List of Text Books: st
For 1
Year B. Tech. 1 Semester:
Professional Comm.-I S. No. 1.
Title of book Business Communication
Effective Technical Communication
Author Meenakshi Raman & Prakash Singh M. Ashraf Rizvi
Publisher Oxford Higher Education Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Physics-I S. No. 1.
Title of book Concepts of Modern Physics Sixth Edition
Author Arthur Beiser
Publisher Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Author P.C. Jain & Monika Jain Morrison & Boyd
Publisher Dhanpat Rai & Sons
Author Thomas, G. B. & Finney, R. L.
Publisher Pearson Education
Author E. Balaguruswamy
Publisher Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Chemistry-I S. No. 1.
Title of book Engineering Chemistry
Organic Chemistry th 6 Edition
Mathematics-I S. No. 1.
Title of book Calculus and Analytic Geometry th 9 Edition
Computer Programming S. No. 1.
Title of book Programming with JAVA rd 3 Edition
Introduction to Geosciences S. No. 1.
For 2
Title of book Introduction to Geology
Year B. Tech.
Author P. K. Mukherjee
Material Science S. No. 1.
Title of book Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course, th 5 Ed (Year of publication: 2000) Elements of Material Science Engineering Sixth Edition
Author Raghavan, V.
& Lawrence H. van Vlack
Publisher Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
Pearson Education
Introduction to Petroleum Refining & Gas Processing S. No. 1.
Title of book Author Nontechnical Guide to Petroleum Geology, Norman J. Exploration, Drilling, and Production Hyne
Publisher Penn Corporation.
Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and Saeid Processing Mokhatab, William A. Poe and James G. Speight,
Gulf Professional Publishing
Heat & Mass Transfer S. No. 1.
Title of book th Heat Transfer , 9 Ed (Year of publication: 2002)
Author Holman, J. P.
Publisher McGraw Hill, New York
Author Welty et al.
Publisher Wiley Publication
Text book for Mass Transfer S. No. 1.
Title of book Fundamentals of Momentary Heat & Mass th Transfer, 4 Edition
Mathematics –III S. No. 1.
Title of book Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Ed.
Introduction to Probability Models
Author Erwin Kreyszic Ross, S. M.
Publisher Wiley-India Edition
Author Gupta V. and Gupta S. K.
Publisher New Age Intl., New Delhi,
Author Y. V. C. Rao
Publisher New Age Intl., New Delhi,
Academic Press
Fluid Mechanics S. No. 1.
Title of book Fluid Mechanics and its applications (Year of publication 1984)
Thermodynamics S. No. 1.
For 3
Title of book Introduction to Thermodynamics
Year B. Tech. 5
Electrical Engg.& Electronics S. No. 1. 2.
Title of book Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory Basic Electrical Engineering
Author Bolyestad R. and Nashelsky, L D P Kothari and I J Nagrath
Publisher Prentice Hall of India
Author V. Ganesan
Publisher McGraw-Hill
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt
Prime Movers, Pumps & Compressors S. No. 1.
Title of book Internal Combustion Engines
Mass & Energy Balance S. No. 1.
Title of book Product &Process Design Principles
Author Seider, W. D., Seader, J. D., and Lewin D. R.
Publisher Wiley, India
For 4
Year B. Tech. 7
Introduction to Polymers S. No. 1. 2.
Title of book Textbook of Polymer Science Principles of Polymerization
Author Fred W. Billmeyer Jr. G. Odian
Publisher Wiley Wiley
Work over & Well Stimulation S. No. 1.
Title of book Well Completion & Servicing
Author Perrins D
Publisher Editions Technip
Author Smith, J. M.,
Publisher McGraw-Hill
Heterogeneous Catalysis & Reaction Design S. No. 1.
Title of book Chemical Engineering Kinetics
Health, Safety & Environment S. No. Title of book Loss Prevention in the Process 1. Industries 2. Environmental Engineering 3.
Chemical Process Safety
Author Less, F. P.
Publisher Butterworth Heinemann
Peavy, H. S., Rowe, D. R. & Tchobanoglous, G., Sanders, R. E.,
McGraw Hill
Well Test Analysis S. No. 1.
For 1
Title of book Well Test Analysis
Year M. Tech. 1
Author John Lee
Introduction to Petroleum Geology S. No. Title of book 1. Introduction to Petroleum Geology
Author R.C. Selley
Butterworth Heinemann
Petroleum Geology
F. K. North
Introduction to Petroleum Geophysics S. No. Title of book Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting 1. 2. Applied Geophysics
Author M. M. Dobrin and C. H. Savit W. M. Tailford, L. P.Geldart and R. E. Sherrif
Petroleum Reservoir Engineering S. No. 1.
Title of book Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering
Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering
Author B. C. Craft, M. Hawkins, and Ronald E. L. P. Dake
Well Test Analysis S. No. 1.
Title of book Well Test Analysis
Author John Lee
Advanced Petroleum Formation Evaluation S. No. 1.
Title of book Formation Evaluation
Author J. W. Lynch
Geological Interpretation of Well Logs
Malcom Rider
Schlumberger Manuals
Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques S. No. 1.
Title of book Enhanced Oil Recovery
Author Willhite & Green
Advanced Numerical Methods and Applied Statistics S. No. 1.
Title of book Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis
Author S. S. Sastry
Applied Numerical Analysis
C.F. Gerald and Wheatley
Introduction to Probability & Statistics
J. Susan Milton & J C Arnold
Statistical Computing: Existing Method and Recent Developments
Debasis Kundu and Ayanderanath Basu
For 1
Year B. Tech. 1 Semester:
Professional Comm.-I S. No. 1.
Title of book Business Communication
Effective Technical Communication
Author Meenakshi Raman & Prakash Singh M. Ashraf Rizvi
Publisher Oxford Higher Education Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Physics-I S. No. 1.
Title of book Concepts of Modern Physics Sixth Edition
Author Arthur Beiser
Publisher Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Author P.C. Jain & Monika Jain Morrison & Boyd
Publisher Dhanpat Rai & Sons
Author Thomas, G. B. & Finney, R. L.
Publisher Pearson Education
Author E. Balaguruswamy
Publisher Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Chemistry-I S. No. 1.
Title of book Engineering Chemistry
Organic Chemistry th 6 Edition
Mathematics-I S. No. 1.
Title of book Calculus and Analytic Geometry th 9 Edition
Computer Programming S. No. 1.
Title of book Programming with JAVA rd 3 Edition
Introduction to Geosciences S. No. 1.
For 2
Title of book Introduction to Geology
Year B. Tech.
Author P. K. Mukherjee
Material Science S. No. 1.
Title of book Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course, th 5 Ed (Year of publication: 2000) Elements of Material Science Engineering Sixth Edition
Author Raghavan, V.
& Lawrence H. van Vlack
Publisher Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
Pearson Education
Introduction to Petroleum Refining & Gas Processing S. No. 1.
Title of book Author Nontechnical Guide to Petroleum Geology, Norman J. Exploration, Drilling, and Production Hyne
Publisher Penn Corporation.
Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and Saeid Processing Mokhatab, William A. Poe and James G. Speight,
Gulf Professional Publishing
Heat & Mass Transfer S. No. 1.
Title of book th Heat Transfer , 9 Ed (Year of publication: 2002)
Author Holman, J. P.
Publisher McGraw Hill, New York
Author Welty et al.
Publisher Wiley Publication
Text book for Mass Transfer S. No. 1.
Title of book Fundamentals of Momentary Heat & Mass th Transfer, 4 Edition
Mathematics –III S. No. 1.
Title of book Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th Ed.
Introduction to Probability Models
Author Erwin Kreyszic Ross, S. M.
Publisher Wiley-India Edition
Author Gupta V. and Gupta S. K.
Publisher New Age Intl., New Delhi,
Author Y. V. C. Rao
Publisher New Age Intl., New Delhi,
Academic Press
Fluid Mechanics S. No. 1.
Title of book Fluid Mechanics and its applications (Year of publication 1984)
Thermodynamics S. No. 1.
For 3
Title of book Introduction to Thermodynamics
Year B. Tech. 5
Electrical Engg.& Electronics S. No. 1. 2.
Title of book Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory Basic Electrical Engineering
Author Bolyestad R. and Nashelsky, L D P Kothari and I J Nagrath
Publisher Prentice Hall of India
Author V. Ganesan
Publisher McGraw-Hill
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt
Prime Movers, Pumps & Compressors S. No. 1.
Title of book Internal Combustion Engines
Mass & Energy Balance S. No. 1.
Title of book Product &Process Design Principles
Author Seider, W. D., Seader, J. D., and Lewin D. R.
Publisher Wiley, India
For 4
Year B. Tech. 7
Introduction to Polymers S. No. 1. 2.
Title of book Textbook of Polymer Science Principles of Polymerization
Author Fred W. Billmeyer Jr. G. Odian
Publisher Wiley Wiley
Work over & Well Stimulation S. No. 1.
Title of book Well Completion & Servicing
Author Perrins D
Publisher Editions Technip
Author Smith, J. M.,
Publisher McGraw-Hill
Heterogeneous Catalysis & Reaction Design S. No. 1.
Title of book Chemical Engineering Kinetics
Health, Safety & Environment S. No. Title of book Loss Prevention in the Process 1. Industries 2. Environmental Engineering 3.
Chemical Process Safety
Author Less, F. P.
Publisher Butterworth Heinemann
Peavy, H. S., Rowe, D. R. & Tchobanoglous, G., Sanders, R. E.,
McGraw Hill
Well Test Analysis S. No. 1.
For 1
Title of book Well Test Analysis
Year M. Tech. 1
Author John Lee
Introduction to Petroleum Geology S. No. Title of book 1. Introduction to Petroleum Geology
Author R.C. Selley
Butterworth Heinemann
Petroleum Geology
F. K. North
Introduction to Petroleum Geophysics S. No. Title of book Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting 1. 2. Applied Geophysics
Author M. M. Dobrin and C. H. Savit W. M. Tailford, L. P.Geldart and R. E. Sherrif
Petroleum Reservoir Engineering S. No. 1.
Title of book Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering
Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering
Author B. C. Craft, M. Hawkins, and Ronald E. L. P. Dake
Well Test Analysis S. No. 1.
Title of book Well Test Analysis
Author John Lee
Advanced Petroleum Formation Evaluation S. No. 1.
Title of book Formation Evaluation
Author J. W. Lynch
Geological Interpretation of Well Logs
Malcom Rider
Schlumberger Manuals
Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques S. No. 1.
Title of book Enhanced Oil Recovery
Author Willhite & Green
Advanced Numerical Methods and Applied Statistics S. No. 1.
Title of book Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis
Author S. S. Sastry
Applied Numerical Analysis
C.F. Gerald and Wheatley
Introduction to Probability & Statistics
J. Susan Milton & J C Arnold
Statistical Computing: Existing Method and Recent Developments
Debasis Kundu and Ayanderanath Basu
Geology By P K Mukherjee Pdf Download By Vision Ias Pdf
- Check out UPSC Mains Geology Reference Books 2018 for Civil Services / IAS / IPS / IES exams. Text Book of Geology – P.K. UPSC Mains Sindhi.
- PDF| On Jun 5, 2015, Soumyajit Mukherjee and others published Atlas of Structural Geology. Download full-text PDF. Atlas of Structural Geology. Soumyajit Mukherjee.
- A Textbook Of Geology By P K Mukherjee.pdf - Free download PDF files on the internet. Mukherjee A Textbook Of Geology By P K Mukherjee A Textbook Of Geology By Pk Mukherjee Pdf P K Mukherjee Geology Geology P K Mukherjee Geology By Pk Mukherjee Pk Mukherjee Geology Pdf Pk Mukherjee Geology Text Of Geology By Pk Mukherjee.
Department of Mining Engineering Curriculum of B. Tech (Mining Engineering) FIRST SEMESTER (COMMON TO ALL BRANCHES) Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sub. Code MA 101 PH 101 CY 101 EE 100 EC 100 CE 100 CE 130 PH 170 CY 170 CS 171 CE 171 WS 171
Subjects Mathematics - I Physics - I Chemistry Basic Electrical Technology Basic Electronics Engineering Engineering Mechanics Environmental and Safety Engineering Physics Laboratory Chemistry Laboratory Computing Laboratory - I Engineering Drawing Workshop Practice - I Extra Academic Activity - I TOTAL
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0
Credits 4 4 4
0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 15-5-15
2 2 2 2 30
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0
Credits 4 4 4
0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 15-5-15
2 2 2 2 30
Sub. Code MA 102 PH 102 CS 102 EC 100 EE 100 CE 130 CE 100 CY 170 PH 170 CS 172 ME 170 WS 172
Subjects Mathematics - II Physics - II Data Structures and Algorithm Basic Electronics Engineering Basic Electrical Technology Environmental and Safety Engineering Engineering Mechanics Chemistry Laboratory Physics Laboratory Computing Laboratory - II Machine Drawing and Solid Modeling Workshop Practice - II Extra Academic Activity - II TOTAL
THIRD SEMESTER Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sub.Code MN 201 MA 201 CE 203
MA 270 HS 270 EC 270 EE 270 MN 273 CE 273
Subjects Mine Development Mathematics - III Mechanics of Solids Professional Elective - I HS & Open Elective - I Numerical Methods Laboratory OR Language Laboratory Electronics Engineering Laboratory OR Electrical Engineering Laboratory Mining Geology & Exploration Laboratory Mechanics of Solids Laboratory TOTAL
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0
Credits 4 4 3 3 3
0-0-3 0-0-3
2 2 25
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 0-0-3
Credits 4 4 3 3 3 2
2 25
FOURTH SEMESTER Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sub. Code MN 202 MA 204
MN 274 EE 270 EC 270 MA 270 HS 270 MN 271
Subjects Mine Surveying Mathematics – IV Professional Elective - II Professional Elective - III HS & Open Elective – II Mining Machinery Laboratory Electrical Engineering Laboratory Electronics Engineering Laboratory Numerical methods Laboratory Language Laboratory Mine Surveying Laboratory TOTAL
FIFTH SEMESTER Sl.No 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sub. Code MN 311 MN 321
MN 371 MN 373 MN 375 MN 377
Subjects Surface Mining Technology Rock Mechanics Professional Elective - IV Professional Elective - V HS & Open Elective – III Rock Mechanics Laboratory Mineral Processing Technology Laboratory Material Handling Systems Laboratory Solid Fuel Technology Laboratory TOTAL
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3
Credits 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 25
SIXTH SEMESTER Sl.No 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sub. Code MN 330 MN 313
MN 370 MN 372 MN 374 MN 376
Subjects Mine Ventilation Underground Mining Technology Professional Elective - VI Professional Elective - VII HS & Open Elective – IV Mine Ventilation Laboratory Computer Application in Mining Laboratory Geomechanics Laboratory Model preparation Laboratory TOTAL
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3
Credits 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 27
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 0-0-3
Credits 4 4 4 3 2
0-0-6 0-0-3 0-0-0
4 2 2 27
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 0-0-3 0-0-9 0-0-3 0-0-0
Credits 4 4 4 3 2 6 2 2 27
Sub. Code MN 431 MN 441
MN 473
6 7 8
MN 491 MN 493 MN 495
MN 471
Subjects Mine Environmental Engineering Mine Legislation and Safety Engineering Professional Elective - VIII HS & Open Elective - V Mine Environmental Engineering Laboratory Simulation and Modeling of Mining systems Laboratory Research Project - I Seminar and Technical Writing – I Short term Industrial / Research Experience TOTAL
EIGHTH SEMESTER Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sub. Code MN 400
MN 472 MN 492 MN 494 MN 496
Subjects Mine Planning Professional Elective - IX Professional Elective - X HS & Open Elective - VI Mine Planning and Design Laboratory Research Project - II Seminar and Technical Writing – II Comprehensive Viva Voce TOTAL
LIST OF PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVES Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Sub. Code MN 204 MN 205 MN 207 MN 208 MN 232 MN 301 MN 302 MN 303 MN 304 MN 305 MN 322 MN 324 MN 325 MN 332 MN 391 MN 392 MN 393 MN 394 MN 395 MN 396 MN 410 MN 411 MN 412 MN 413 MN 414
26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
MN 415 MN 421 MN 435 MN 436 MN 442 CE 316 CE 318 CE 333 CE 336 CE 361 CE 363 CE 421 CE 425 CH 228
CH 368
41. 42. 43.
CS 315 CS 434 CS 435
Subjects Mining Machinery Mineral Exploration Mining Geology Geostatistics Solid Fuel Technology System Engineering Mine Economics Material Handling Systems Computer Application in Mining Mineral Processing Technology Geomechanics Strata Control Technology Ground Control Instrumentation Remote Sensing and Its Application Special Topic in Mining Engineering - I Special Topic in Mining Engineering - II Special Laboratory in Mining Engg - I Special Laboratory in Mining Engg - II Engineering Product Development Project - I Engineering Product Development Project - II Tunneling Advanced Surface Mining Mining of Deep Seated Deposits Advanced Coal Mining Rock Mechanics Application to Environmental Problems Advanced Metaliferrous Mining Rock Slope Technology Eco-friendly Mining Environmental Pollution and Control in Mines Mine Fires and spontaneous heating Advanced Mechanics of Solids Finite Element Method Environmental Impact Assessment Advanced Environmental Engineering Advanced Surveying Remote Sensing and GIS Ground Improvement Techniques Environmental Geotechnics Treatment of Industrial Effluents Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control Optimization Techniques Image Processing Artificial Intelligence
L-T- P 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0
0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-6 0-0-6 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0
Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 3/4 3/4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0
4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0
4 3 3
44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.
CS 437 HS 320 MA 420 MA 421 ME 413 ME 420 ME 430 MM 258 MM 308
Soft Computing Human Resource Management Operations Research Stochastic Processes Experimental stress analysis Material Handling Industrial Management Experimental Techniques in Metallurgy Energy, Environment & Recycling
3-0-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0
3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3
DEPARTMENT OF MINING ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF COURSES Sub Discipline: MN 201 MN 202 MN 203 MN 204 MN 205 MN 206 MN 207 MN 208 MN 301 MN 302 MN 303 MN 304 MN 305 MN 400
Mine Development Mine Surveying Basic Surveying Mining Machinery Mineral Exploration Introductory Mining Technology Mining Geology Geostatistics System Engineering Mine Economics Material Handling Systems Computer Application in Mining Mineral Processing Technology Mine Planning
Sub Discipline: MN 311 MN 313 MN 321 MN 322 MN 323 MN 324 MN 325 MN 410 MN 411 MN 412 MN 413 MN 414 MN 415 MN 421
3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0
4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4
3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0
4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
3-1-0 3-1-0
4 4
3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0
3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3
Surface Mining Technology Underground Mining Technology Rock Mechanics Geomechanics Rock Engineering Strata Control Technology Ground Control Instrumentation Tunneling Advanced Surface Mining Mining of Deep Seated Deposits Advanced Coal Mining Rock Mechanics Application to Environmental Problems Advanced Metaliferrous Mining Rock Slope Technology
Sub Discipline: MN 232 MN 330 MN 332 MN 336 MN 431 MN 433 MN 435 MN 436 MN 438
Non-specific Subjects
Solid Fuel Technology Mine Ventilation Remote Sensing and Its Application Solid Fuels and Clean Coal Technology Mine Environmental Engineering Environmental Impact Assessment Eco-friendly Mining Environmental Pollution and Control in Mines Solid Waste Management
MN 441 MN 442 MN 443
Mine Legislation and Safety Engineering Mine Fires and spontaneous heating Safety Engineering
Sub Discipline: MN 271 MN 273 MN 274 MN 370 MN 371 MN 372 MN 373 MN 374 MN 375 MN 376 MN 377 MN 471 MN 472 MN 473
4 4 3
0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-6 0-0-6 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-0 0-0-6 0-0-9 0-0-0
3/4 3/4 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 4 6 2
Laboratory Courses
Mine Surveying Laboratory Mining Geology & Exploration Laboratory Mining Machinery Laboratory Mine Ventilation Laboratory Rock Mechanics Laboratory Computer Application in Mining Laboratory Mineral Processing Technology Laboratory Geomechanics Laboratory Material Handling Systems Laboratory Model Preparation Laboratory Solid Fuel Technology Laboratory Mine Environmental Engineering Laboratory Mine Planning and Design Laboratory Simulation and Modeling of Mining systems Laboratory
Sub Discipline: MN 391 MN 392 MN 393 MN 394 MN 395 MN 396 MN 481 MN 482 MN 483 MN 491 MN 492 MN 496
3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0
Project, Seminar and Special Courses
Special Topic in Mining Engineering - I Special Topic in Mining Engineering - II Special Laboratory in Mining Engg - I Special Laboratory in Mining Engg - II Engineering Product Development Project - I Engineering Product Development Project - II Seminar and Technical Writing – I Seminar and Technical Writing – II Short term Industrial/Research Experience Research Project - I Research Project - II Comprehensive Viva Voce
COURSES OFFERED AS OPEN ELECTIVES (Normally not offered to students of Mining Engineering) Sl.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Sub Code MN 203 MN 206 MN 323 MN 336 MN 433 MN 438 MN 443
Subjects Basic Surveying Introductory Mining Technology Rock Engineering Solid Fuels and Clean Coal Technology Environmental Impact Assessment Solid Waste Management Safety Engineering
L-T- P 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0
Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
DETAILED SUMMARY OF COURSES MN 201 MN 202 MN 203 MN 204 MN 205 MN 206 MN 207 MN 208 MN 232 MN 271 MN 273 MN 274 MN 301 MN 302 MN 303 MN 304 MN 305 MN 311 MN 313 MN 321 MN 322 MN 323 MN 324 MN 325 MN 330 MN 332 MN 336 MN 370 MN 371 MN 372 MN 373 MN 374 MN 375 MN 376 MN 377 MN 400 MN 410 MN 411 MN 412 MN 413 MN 414 MN 415 MN 421 MN 431 MN 433 MN 435
Mine Development Mine Surveying Basic Surveying Mining Machinery Mineral Exploration Introductory Mining Technology Mining Geology Geostatistics Solid Fuel Technology Mine Surveying Laboratory Mining Geology & Exploration Laboratory Mining Machinery Laboratory System Engineering Mine Economics Material Handling Systems Computer Application in Mining Mineral Processing Technology Surface Mining Technology Underground Mining Technology Rock Mechanics Geomechanics Rock Engineering Strata Control Technology Ground Control Instrumentation Mine Ventilation Remote Sensing and Its Application Solid Fuels and Clean Coal Technology Mine Ventilation Laboratory Rock Mechanics Laboratory Computer Application in Mining Laboratory Mineral Processing Technology Laboratory Geomechanics Laboratory Material Handling Systems Laboratory Model Preparation Laboratory Solid Fuel Technology Laboratory Mine Planning Tunneling Advanced Surface Mining Mining of Deep Seated Deposits Advanced Coal Mining Rock Mechanics Application to Environmental Problems Advanced Metaliferrous Mining Rock Slope Technology Mine Environmental Engineering Environmental Impact Assessment Eco-friendly Mining
3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0
4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 3
3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0
4 4 4 3 3
MN 436 MN 438 MN 441 MN 442 MN 443 MN 471 MN 472 MN 473
Environmental Pollution and Control in Mines Solid Waste Management Mine Legislation and Safety Engineering Mine Fires and spontaneous heating Safety Engineering Mine Environmental Engineering Laboratory Mine Planning and Design Laboratory Simulation and Modeling of Mining Systems Laboratory
3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3
4 3 4 4 3 2 2 2
MN 201
4 credits [3-1-0]
Introduction: Distributions of mineral deposits in India and other countries, mining contributions to civilization, mining terminology, stages in the life of the mine - prospecting, exploration, development, exploitation and reclamation, access to mineral deposit- selection, location, size and shape (incline, shaft and adit),brief overview of underground and surface mining methods. ; Drilling: Types of drills, drilling methods, electric, pneumatic and hydraulic drills, drill steels and bits, drilling rigs, and jumbos. ; Explosives: Classification, composition, properties and tests, fuses, detonators, blasting devices and accessories, substitutes for explosives, handling and storage, transportation of explosives. ; Rock blasting: Mechanism of rock blasting, blasting procedure, and pattern of shot holes. ; Shaft sinking: Ordinary and special methods, problems, and precautions, shaft supports and lining. Essential Reading: 1. R. P. Pal, Rock blasting effect and operation, A. A. Balkema 1st Ed, 2005. 2. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of mining technology, Vol. 1, Central Techno Publications, Nagpur, 7th Ed, 2001 Supplementary Reading: 1. B. H. Gary, Blasting operations, Mc-graw Hill,1st ed,1981. 2. R. P. Pal, Blasting in ground excavations and mines, Oxford and IBH, 1st Ed, 1993. 3. C. P. Chugh, Drilling technology handbook, Oxford and IBH, 1st Ed, 1977. 4. R. D. Singh, Principles and practices of modern coal mining, New age international, 1st Ed, 1997. 5. S. K. Das, Explosive and blasting practices in mines, Lovely prakashan, 1st Ed, 1993. 6. P. K. Rajameny, A Joshi, and S. Bhandari, Blast design and Practice, Himanshu Publications, Udaypur, 2006. MN 202
4 credits [3-1-0]
Linear measurement, Compass surveying – use of prismatic compass, bearing of a line, dial traverse and adjustments, local attractions and correction of bearings, Theodolitesseconds theodolites, micro-optic theodolites, electronic theodolites, measurement of horizontal angles by repetition method and re-iteration method and measurement of vertical angles by general method; Traversing – surface and underground including boundary surveys and joint surveys, survey errors and their adjustments, co-ordinate calculations.. Leveling- use of dumpy levels, quick setting levels, digital levels and leveling staff, temporary adjustments of levels, ordinary and precise leveling, reduction of levels by height of instrument method and rise and fall method, reciprocal leveling, profile leveling, differential leveling; Triangulation: Classification of Triangulation systems, Triangulation figures, Base line measurements ; Correlation of surface and underground surveys: Verticality of shafts, measurement of depth of shafts, setting out curves – surface and underground. Special Mine Surveys: Surveys for connecting national grid, survey of installations of mine structures, EDM and its application, Surveying by Modern instruments by using GPS & Total Station. Essential Reading: 1. W. Schofield and M. Breach, Engineering Surveying, Sixth edition, 2007, ELSEVIER, B&H. 2. B. C. Punmia, Surveying, Vol - I, II, III, Laxmi Publication, New Delhi, 12th Edition, 1990. Supplementary Reading:
1. A. V. Maslov, Geodetic Surveying, Mir Publication, Moscow, Revised edition, 1980. 2. B. Fedorov, Elementary Plane and Mine Surveying, Mir Publication, Moscow, Revised Edition, 1986. 3. V. Natarajan, Advanced Surveying, B.I. Publication, Bombay, First edition, 1976. 4. T. P. Kanetkar, Surveying and Levelling, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Reprints, 1995. 5. S. K. Roy, Fundamentals of Surveying, Printice Hall of India Pvt., New Delhi, Third Printing, 2004. MN 203
3 credits [3-0-0]
Linear measurements and chain surveying: Errors due to incorrect chain, tape corrections, Compass surveying: Use of prismatic compass – dial traverse and adjustments, bearing of a line, local attractions and corrections for bearings, Theodolites: Seconds theodolites, micro-optic theodolites, electronic theodolites, temporary adjustments, Measurement of horizontal angles by repetition method and re-iteration method, measurement of vertical angles by general method, Traverse surveying: close traverse and open traverse, checks in closed traverse and open traverse, plotting a traverse surveying, consecutive co-ordinates: latitudes and departures, closing error, balancing a traverse, Omitted measurements, Leveling: Use of dumpy levels, micro-optic levels, quick setting levels, digital levels and leveling staff, temporary adjustments of levels, Reduction of levels by height of instrument method, and rise and fall method, ordinary and precise leveling, differential leveling, profile leveling, reciprocal leveling, Survey errors and their adjustments, Co-ordinate Calculations; Triangulation: Classification of Triangulation systems, Triangulation figures, Base line measurements; EDM and its application, Surveying by Modern instruments such as GPS & Total Station. Essential Reading: 1. B. C. Punmia, Surveying, Vol- I, II, III, Laxmi Publication, New Delhi, 12th Edition, 1990. 2. W. Schofield and M. Breach, Engineering Surveying, sixth edition, ELSEVIER, B&H. 2007, Supplementary Reading; 1. A. V. Maslov, Geodetic Surveying, Mir Publication, Moscow, Revised edition, 1980. 2. B. Fedorov, Elementary plane and mine surveying, Mir Publication, Moscow, Revised edition, 1986. 3. V. Natarajan, Advanced Surveying, B.I. Publication, Bombay, First edition, 1976. 4. T. P. Kanetkar, Surveying and Levelling, Pune vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Reprints, 1995. 5. S. K. Roy, Fundamentals of Sueveying, Prentice Hall of India Pvt., New Delhi, Third Printing, 2004.
MN 204
3 credits [3-0-0]
General: Mechanical transmission of power in mining machinery, shafts, pulleys, gears, and gear/trains, belt drives, chain drives, couplings and clutches, brakes. ; Wire ropes: Constructions, examinations, listing and maintenance. ; Rope and Locomotive haulages: Direct, main and tail, balanced double drum and endless haulage, gravity haulage, constructional features, power calculation, selection of haulage ropes, haulage tracks and safety appliances, tubs and mine cars, diesel, battery and trolley wire locomotives, tractive effort, ideal gradient, power calculations, exhaust conditioners. ; Compressor and pumps: Generation, distribution and use of compressed air in mines, mine pumps, pumping ranges,
and fittings, elements of pipe line transportation. ; Hydraulics and mining machines: Power hydraulics, hydraulic circuits, actuators, hydraulic fluids, control of hydraulic power, cutting and mining machines for coal, surface coal/ore handling plant. Essential Reading: 1. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of mining technology, Vol. 3, Vidyasewa, 3rd ed,1989. 2. N.T. Karlein, Mine transport, Orient Longman,1st ed, 1967. Supplementary Reading: 1. C. F. Statham, Coal mining practice, Caxton Eastern, 1st Ed, 1960. 2. R. D. Singh, Principles and practices of modern coal mining, New age international, 1st ed, 1997. 3. S. K. Das, Modern coal mining technology, Lovely prakashan, 2nd Ed, 1994. 4. M. P. Alexandrov, Material handling equipment,MIR,1st ed,1981.
MN 205
3 credits [3-0-0]
Classification of ore reserves: proved, probable, and geologist's ore. Geological aspects of drilling borehole location, planning of drilling operations, borehole surveys, correction of deviated boreholes and directional drilling, core-sampling and assaying; Economic classification of mineral resources: calculation of in-situ reserves from borehole data. Underground sampling and calculation of blocked reserves; Exploration: Theory and application of various methods in mineral exploration, Seismic, Gravity and Magnetic methods Principles and methods of gravity and magnetic prospecting, instrumentation, data processing, interpretation with case studies, Fundamentals of remote sensing and its application in large scale mineral exploration. Exploration for oil and natural gas. Essential Reading: 1. W. C. Peters, Exploration and Mining Geology, Wiley, 2 editions, 1987. 2. P, Kearey, M. Brooks and I. Hill, An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration, WileyBlackwell; 3rd edition, 2002. Supplementary Reading; 1. C. J. Moon, M. K. G. Whateley, A. M. Evans and W. L. Barrett, Introduction to Mineral exploration, Blackwell Publishing, 2006. 2. R. E. Sheriff and L. P. Geldart, Exploration Sysmology, Cambridge University Press; 2 edition, 1995. 3. H. L. Hartman, SME Mining Engineering Handbook, Society of Mining and Metallurgy and Exploration (US), 1992, 2394 pages. 4. R. Marjoribanks, Geological methods in Mineral exploration and Mining, Springer; 1st edition, 1997. MN 206
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction: Distributions of mineral deposits in India and other countries, mining contributions to civilization, mining terminology, stages in the life of the mine - prospecting, exploration, development, exploitation and reclamation, access to mineral deposit- selection, location, size and shape (incline, shaft and adit),brief overview of underground and surface mining methods. ; Drilling: Types of drills, drilling methods, electric, pneumatic and hydraulic drills, drill steels and bits, drilling rigs, and jumbos. ; Explosives: Classification, composition, properties and tests, fuses, detonators, blasting devices and accessories, substitutes for explosives, handling and storage, transportation of explosives. ; Rock blasting: Mechanism of rock blasting, blasting procedure, and pattern of shot holes. ; Shaft
sinking: Ordinary and special methods, problems, and precautions, shaft supports and lining. Essential Reading: 1. R. P. Pal, Rock blasting effect and operation, A. A. Balkema, 1st Ed, 2005. 2. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of mining technology, Vol. 1, Central techno, 7th ed, 2001 Supplementary Reading: 1. B. H. Gary, Blasting operations, Mc-graw Hill, 1st Ed, 1981. 2. R. P. Pal, Blasting in ground excavations and mines, Oxford and IBH, 1st Ed, 1993. 3. C. P. Chugh, Drilling technology handbook, Oxford and IBH, 1st Ed, 1977. 4. R. D. Singh, Principles and practices of modern coal mining, New age international, 1st Ed, 1997. 5. S. K. Das, Explosive and blasting practices in mines, Lovely prakashan, 1st Ed, 1993.
MN 207
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction to Geology: its scope and application to engineering problems, Physical Geology, Mineralogy - Determinative properties and occurrence of common rock forming minerals in India, Petrology - Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks; Structural Geology: Elementary knowledge of rock deformation and structural characteristics of deformed rocks, strike, dip, folds and faults, their description, classification, Joints, Unconformities/simple forms of igneous rocks, Dykes, sills, etc., Geological maps and their interpretation, Stratigraphy - Principles of Stratigraphy, Standard Stratigraphic Scale, Indian Stratigraphy; Economic minerals: their classification, origin, mode of occurrence, geographical and geological distribution, physical properties and industrial uses and distribution of major metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits of India. Origin and distribution of natural fuels - Coal, Petroleum and natural gas, nuclear fuels
Essential Reading: 1. P. K. Mukherjee, A Text Book of Geology, The World Press Pvt. Ltd., 9th Edition, 1982. 2. H. H. Read, Rutley’s Elements of Mineralogy, CBS Publishers and Distributors, 26th Edition, 1984 Supplementary Reading: 1. P. B. Marland, Structural Geology, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 3rd Edition, 1990. 2. D. E. Salisbury & W. E. Ford, A Text Book of Mineralogy, Wiley Eastern Limited, 4th Edition, 1992. 3. G.W. Tyrrel, The Principles of Petrology, B.I. Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1989. 4. G. B. Mahapatra, Text Book of Physical Geology, CBS Publishers and Distributors, 1st Edition, 1990. 5. R. Kumar, Fundamentals of Historical Geology and Stratigraphy of India, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1992.
MN 208
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction to geostatistics, Univariate description: Frequency Tables and Histograms, Normal and lognormal Probability plots, Summary of statistics, Measure of Spread, Measure of Shape; Bivariate description: Comparing of two distribution, Scatter plots, Correlation, Linear regression, Conditional Expectation; Spatial Description: Contour maps, Indicator maps, Moving window statistics, Proportional effect, Spatial continuity, h-scatter plots, correlation functions, covariance function and variograms, cross h-scatter plots; Random function, From statistics to Geostatistics, Modeling sample variograms, Regionalised variables; Global estimation: Polygonal declustering, cell declustering, comparison of declustering methods; Point estimation: Polygon, triangulation, inverse distance methods, search neighbourhoods; Kriging: Ordinary kriging, simple kriging; Block Kriging; Search strategy; crossvalidation; Variance volume relationships, change of support: Practical importance of support effects, effect of support on summery statistics, correcting for support effect, transforming from one distribution to another, affine correction, indirect lognormal correction, dispersion variance, estimating dispersion variance from a variogram model; assessing uncertainty; Multivariate geostatistics, Geostatistics for quality control, grade tonnage curve, Basics of non-parametric geostatistics, Indicator Kriging, Brief idea about geostatistical simulation, Introduction to GEOEAS/ GSLIB/SURPAC software. Essential Reading: 1. E. H. Isaaks and R. M. Srivastava, An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics, Oxford University Press, USA,1990. 2. J. M. Rendu, An Introduction to Geostatistical Methods of Mineral Evaluation (Geostatistics), South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1978. Supplementary Reading: 1. A. J. Sinclair and G. H. Blackwell, Applied Mineral Inventory Estimation, Cambridge University publication, 2002. 2. B, D. Ripley, Spatial Statistics (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics), WileyInterscience, New edition, 2004. 3. P. Goovaerts, Geostatistics for Natural Resources Evaluation, Oxford University Press, 1997. MN 232
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction: Processes of formation of coal, Theories of origin of coal, Eras of coal formation, Indian Coalfields and its subsidiaries: Occurrence and distribution, coal bearing formations, coal type and rank variation, Characteristics of major coalfields, Coal production from different sectors. ; Coal petrography: Macro and micro lithotypes, Composition of macerals, application of coal petrography, Mineral matter in coal: Origin and chemical composition, Impact of mineral matter in coal process industry ; Coal properties and their evaluation: proximate and ultimate analysis, calorific value, crossing and ignition point temperature, plastic properties(free swelling index, Caking index, Gray King Low Temperature Assay, Roga index, plastometry, dilatometry), physical properties like specific gravity, hard groove grindability index, heat of wetting, Crossing point temperature of coal, Behaviour of coal at elevated temperatures and products of thermal decomposition, Classification of coal - International and Indian classification, grading of Indian coals ; Coal Washing: Principles, objectives, coal preparation, washability characteristics ; Selection, testing, storage and utilization of coking and non-coking coal, Use of coal by different industries Essential Reading: 1. S. Sarkar, Fuels and Combustion, Orient Longman Private Ltd., 2nd edition, 1990.
2. O. P. Gupta, Elements of Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories, Khanna Publication, 3rd Edition, 1996. Supplementary Reading: 1. M. A. Elliot, Chemistry of Coal Utilization, Wiley, 1981. 2. N. Berkowitz, An Introduction to Coal Technology, Elsevier, 1993. 3. D. Chandra, R. M. Singh, and M. P. Singh, Text Book of Coal, Tara Book Agency, 2000. 4. G. G. Sarkar, An Introduction to Coal Preparation Practice, Oxford and IBH, 1986. 5. S. P. Mathur, Mine Planning for Coal, M.G. Consultants, Bilaspur, 1993. MN 271
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Prismatic Compass Surveying: (a) Bearing of the lines (b) Traversing 2. Levelling: (a) Precise Levelling (b) Profile Levelling 3. Plane Table Surveying: (a) Intersection Methods (b) Radiation Method. 4. Theodolite Traversing 5. Theodolite: (a) Horizontal angle measurement (b) Vertical angle measurement. 6. Signs and Conventions used by the GSI, MMR and CMR. 7. Triangulation Survey:(a) By 1” Theodolite (b) By Electronic Theodolite 8. Triangulation Survey (a) By EDM (b) By Total Station 9. Distance Measurement:(a) By EDM (b) By Total Station 10. Coordinate Measurement:(a) By Total Station (b) By GPS 11. Traversing and Recording Position of points by GPS 12. Special Mine Surveys – Surveys for connecting National Grid, Survey of installations of Mine Structures MN 273
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Identification of common rocks 2. Identification of common Minerals 3. Study of physical properties of minerals 4. Determination of strike and dip 5. Identification and stereographic plotting of joints. 6. Study of topographic maps 7. Drawing of geological section 8. Geological maps with folds and faults 9. Study of geophysical exploration equipment - resistivity meter 10. Study of aquameter 11. Study of magnetometer 12. Geological field trips
MN 274
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Study of jack hammer drill 2. Study of different types of wire rope & their uses 3. Study of different types of rope clips 4. Study of reliance rope capel 5. Study of different types of roof bolts
2 credits [0-0-3]
6. Study of Sylvester prop withdrawal 7. Study of different types of brakes 8. Study of different types of Clutches 9. Study of different parts & functions of an electric coal drill 10. Study of direct rope haulage 11. Study of endless rope haulage 12. Study of main & tail rope haulage
MN 301
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction: Concept of system engineering, General model selection; Data collection: Data collection methods, time study, work sampling, sample number calculation; System analytical techniques: Statistical methods, control charts – X bar chart, R chart, S chart; Mathematical methods for loading and hauling; Stochastic models: Monte Carlo simulation, Activity oriented simulation, process oriented simulation; Reliability: Concepts of reliability, concept of different distribution: Normal, exponential, Beta, Gamma, Binomial, lognormal etc.; fitting a distribution to data, reliability of series and parallel systems, reliability analysis of a combined series parallel system; Optimization and design: Heuristic technique, Dynamic programming, network flow theory, Graph theory; Programming: Linear programming, transportation and assignment problems, Mixed integer linear programming, queuing theory, network analysis, inventory control and simulation techniques. ; Analysis: Analysis of exploration and mining systems using mathematical programming, simulation techniques and network models; stochastic model simulation; Concept of Artificial Intelligence: Natural language understanding, Machine vision, robotics, expert system. Essential Reading: 1. Bernel & Krako, Introduction to System Analysis, A.A. Balkema, 2004. 2. N. Deo, System Simulation by Digital Computers, Prentice Hall of India,2005 Supplementary Reading: 1. W. Donald Boyd, System analysis and modeling, Academic Press, 2001. MN 302
4 credits [3-1-0]
Examination of Mineral properties, Mine sampling, estimation of reserves and grades, Impurities and quality control, commercial uses of minerals and ores; Mine valuation. Depreciation methods; decision trees, Mineral Industry of India, ; National Mineral Policies, conservation, taxation, trading, mining entrepreneurship, Principles of company law, shares and debentures; joint stock company and public company; partnership business, capital formation, ABC analysis and break-even analysis, budgetary control, wages and incentives, purchases, stores and inventory control, sales and despatches. Essential Reading: 1. R.T. Deshmukh, Mineral and Mine Economics, Myra Publ., Nagpur,1986 2. R.K. Sinha and N.L. Sharma, Mineral Economics, Oxford & IBH Pub., 3rd ed,1970 Supplementary Reading: 1. O.P.Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai Delhi,1993 2. R.N.P.Arogyaswamy, Courses in Mining Geology, Oxford and IBH Pub.,2nd ed,1973 3. S. Krishnaswamy, India’s Mineral Resources, Oxford & IBH pub., 2nd ed,1972 4. P. K.Jain, Financial management, Tata McGraw Hill,1981
MN 303
3 credits [3-0-0]
Mine hoist: Drum and koepe winders, constructional features, kinematics, torque and power calculation, speed control, safety contrivances, selection of mine winders, cages, skip, suspension gears, headgear structures, cage guides, pit top and pit bottom circuits and layouts; Conveyors: Belt conveyor, chain conveyor, cable belt conveyor, shaker conveyor, vibratory conveyor, constructional features and power calculations, selection and application; Aerial Ropeway: Mono-cable, bi-cable, twin-cable ropeway, constructional features and power calculations, selection and application; Scraper Haulage: Constructional features, applicability, advantages and disadvantages; Men and material transportation: Trackless vehicle loaders, shuttle cars, SDL and LHD, special men and materials transport in mines, men riding systems in mines. ; Essential Reading: 1. M. A. Ramlu, Mine hoisting, Oxford and IBH, 1st ed, 1996. 2. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of mining technology, Vol-III, Vidyasewa, 3rd ed,1989 Supplementary Reading: 1. N. T. Karlein, Mine transport, Orient Longman,1st ed, 1967 2. S. C. Walker, Mine winding and transport (Advances in mining science and technology), Elsevier Science Publishing Company,1st ed, 1988 3. N. Mukherjee, Materials handling in mines, Technology mining society IIT Kharagpur, Vol- XI,1sted,1979-80 4. B. Norman, Mechanics of bulk material handling, London Butterworths,1st ed,1971 5. M. P. Alexandrov, Material handling equipment, MIR,1st ed,1981 MN 304
4 credits [3-1-0]
Introduction to structure terminology and peripherals, algorithms, flow charts, programs, dedicated systems. ; Application in Mining: Exploration, rock topographic models, bore hole compositing, compositing, ore reserve calculation, interpolation and geostastical models. ; Open pit design: Ultimate pit design, introductory process control, underground mine design: Production scheduling; Operation Simulation: Introduction, Simulation overview, objective, understand the role of modeling, Understanding the basic concept in simulation; Example of simulation in mining aspects: Simulation of machine repair problems, Concepts of variability and prediction, Example with dumping time problem, fitting distribution with chi-square test; Random number generation: Methods of random number generation, Properties of random number, pseudorandom number; Random variates generation: Methods of random variates generation, inverse transformed method, acceptance rejection method, composition method, empirical method and rectangular approximation; Simulation languages: GPSS, SLAM; Logical flow diagram of different mining activities, Coding with GPSS and SLAM of different mining problems; Computer Control: Remote control, automatic control, application and limitations of control. Essential Reading: 1. T. C. Bartee, Digital Computer Fundamentals, Mc GRAW HILL, 4th Ed., 1984. 2. P. Malvino and D. P. Leach, Digital principles and application, McGraw-Hill, 5th Ed., 1994 Supplementary Reading: 1. R.V. Ramani, Application of computer methods in the mineral industry.
MN 305
3 credits [3-0-0]
General Principle: Mineral Beneficiation and its role in mineral exploitation. ; Comminution and Liberation : Theory and practice of crushing and grinding, performance and choice of crushers and grinding mills. Laboratory techniques, interpretation and plotting of date, Industrial screens and screening efficiency; concentration: Theory and practice of classification, classifiers- Their performance and choice, Picking and washing techniques. Theory and application of sink and float, jigging and flowing film concentration- methods and equipment used; Froth Flotation: Physico-chemical principles, flotation reagents, flotation machines and circuits, application to common sulphides, oxides and oxidized minerals. Electrostatic and Electro-magnetic Separation - Principles, operations and fields of applications. ; Flow Sheets: Simplified flow sheets for the beneficiation of beach sand, coal and typical ores of copper, lead, zinc and manganese with special reference to Indian deposits. Essential Reading: 1. A. M. Gaudin, Principles of Mineral Dressing, Tata McGraw & Hill,1939 2. R. H. Richard and C. E. Locky, A text Book on Ore Dressing, A A Balkema,2004 Supplementary Reading: 1. A. F. Taggart, Mineral Dressing Handbook,P&H,2000 2. B.A. Wills, Mineral Processing Technology, Willy & Sons,2005 3. G. C. Lowrison, Crushing & Grinding, Maxwell and MacMillan,2002 4. L. Svalovsky, Solid Liquid Separation, Tata McGraw & Hill Inc.,2003 MN 311
4 credits [3-1-0]
Introduction: Applicability and limitations, Stripping Ratio, Preliminary evaluation of surface mining projects. ; Surface Mining Methods: Development of Mineral deposits by opencast mining, design and layout of opencast mines. Methods of stripping, Bench geometry, Bench slope. Drilling, blasting, loading and transportation in opencast mines, Equipment used for different operations, Choice and their application. ; Placer Mining and Sea bed Mining: Ground sluicing, Hydraulicking and Dredging. Exploitation systems of ocean mineral resources. Relevant provisions of coal mines and metalliferous mines regulations. ; Environmental problems due to surface mining and their remedial measures, Recent developments in the deployment of heavy earth moving machineries in the surface mines. Essential Reading: 1. G. B Mishra, Surface Mining, Lovely prakashan Dhanbad, 2nd ed,2006. 2. K Raj. Singhal, Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, A. A. Balkema Rotterdam,1st ed,1995. Supplementary Reading: 1. S. K. Das, Surface Mining Technology, Lovely prakashan Dhanbad, 1st ed,1994. 2. V. V. Rzhevsky, Opencast Mining Unit operations, Mir Pub., Mascow, 1985. 3. W. Hustrulid and M. Kuchta, Open pit mine planning and Design, Vol-I, A.A. Balkema Rotterdam,1st ed,1995. 4. Rozgonyi, G Tibor, Continuous surface Mining, A.A. Balkema Rotterdam,1st ed,1988. 5. Crawford, T. John, Open pit mine planning and Design, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers,1979.
MN 313
4 credits [3-1-0]
Development of Stratified Deposits: Choice of mine size, methods of entry and primary development. ; Underground Coal Mining Methods: Classification and choice, Bord and Pillar mining, development and extraction, Long-wall mining, face mechanization, production equipment and face machinery used, viz. coal cutting machines, drills, mechanical loaders, LHDS, shuttle car etc. – their performance and choice. Special coal mining methods. ; Underground Metal Mining Methods: General Development of property level, crosscuts, raises and winzes, drifting and tunneling, U/g metalliferrous mining methods – their classification and choice. Stoping of ore bodies, supporting and development of stopes Special techniques of mining mechanization. Mining equipment and production machine used below ground. Provision of MMR 1961. ; Supports: Roadway and face supports, supports for junctions and special conditions, setting and withdrawal of supports, roof bolting, roof stitching, systematic supporting, protective of pillars. ; Stowing and Filling Methods, gathering and transportation arrangements, stowing plants and layout. Provision of CMR 1957. Essential Reading: 1. T. N. Singh, Underground winning of Coal, Oxford and IBH New Delhi,1992 2. Y. P. Chacharkar, A study of Metalliferous Mining Methods, Lovely prakshan Dhanbad,1994 Supplementary Reading: 1. I.C.F. Statham, Coal Mining Practice, Caxton eastern agencies,Calcutta,Reprint,1964 2. D.J. Deshmukh, Elements of Mining Technology, Vol - I & II ,EMDEE publishers Ranchi, Revised edition,2000 3. S. K. Das, Modern Coal Mining Technology, Lovely prakshan Dhanbad,1992 4. R. D. Singh, Principles & Practices of Modern Coal Mining, New age international New Delhi,1997 5. B. C. Arthur, SME Mining Engineers Hand Book, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers New York,1973
MN 321
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction: Structural Features of rock material and rock mass ; Physico mechanical properties: Physical and mechanical properties including swelling potential, different strength parameters and their determination, Hydraulic properties of rocks and determination; Elastic and Time dependent properties of rock: Rock Deformability and its measurement. Elastic and non-elastic behavior, influence of time on rock properties; Theories of rock failure: Rock Strength, Analysis of Stress-Strain Curve, Rock failure and different failure criteria. Effect of anisotropy on rock strength; Stress: Fundamentals of stress and strain in two and three dimension, Stress-Strain relationships, Mohr’s circle, Rock mass classification Systems and their interpretation, Rock Support and Design. Essential Reading: 1. R.E. Goodman, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1980 2. V.S. Vutukuri and K. Katsuyama, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Industrial Publishing & Consulting Inc., Tokyo, 1994 Supplementary Reading: 1. B.H.G. Brady and E.T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1992 2. J.C. Jeager and N.G.W. Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Chapman and Hall, 1979 3. L. Hartman, Mining Engineering Handbook, Society for Mining, Mettalurgy and Exploration Inc., USA, 1992
4. J.A. Hudson and J.P. Harrison, Engineering Rock Mehcanics, Pergamon Press, UK,2000
MN 322
4 credits [3-1-0]
Rock Stress: Stresses around mine openings of different cross-sections, Insitu StressDetermination of insitu rock mass properties, insitu testing methods and instrumentations. ; Design of underground workings: Pillar Design including applicability of Wilson’s approach, Safety factors; Slope Stability: Slope failure types, mechanisms and theories. ; Rock Reinforcement and Support: Mechanisms of failure in rock structures-intact and anisotropy, Rock Load and stability, Supporting and reinforcement members, Design of support and reinforcement systems; Mine Subsidence: Subsidence mechanisms and control measures, Basics of numerical methods in geomechanics and applications Essential Reading: 1. R.E. Goodman, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1980 2. V.S. Vutukuri and K. Katsuyama, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Industrial Publishing & Consulting Inc., Tokyo, 1994 Supplementary Reading: 1. B.H. G. Brady and E.T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1992 2. J.C. Jeager and N.G.W. Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Chapman and Hall, 1979 3. L. Hartman, Mining Engineering Handbook, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Inc., USA, 1992 4. E. Hoek and J. Bray, Rock Slope Engineering, 3rd Ed., Inst. Of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1980 5. J.A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK,2000
MN 323
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction: Importance of rock mechanics, rock working, judgment and approximation ; Ground Characterisation: Character of rock materials, rock mass, ground water, stress, site investigation ; Measurement, Prediction and Monitoring of Rock Behaviour: Design Methods, Strength, Deformability, viscous, thermal and swelling behaviour, Behaviour of discontinuities, monitoring ; Rock Excavation and Stabilisation: Blasting, drilling, breaking and cutting, rock reinforcement, support and lining systems, drainage and grouting Essential Reading: 1. J. A. Franklin and M.B. Dusseault, Rock Engineering, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991 2. R.E. Goodman, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1980 Supplementary Reading: 1. L. Hartman, Mining Engineering Handbook, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Inc., USA, 1992 2. V.S. Vutukuri and K. Katsuyama, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Industrial Publishing & Consulting Inc., Tokyo, 1994 3. B.H.G. Brady and E.T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1992 4. J.C. Jeager and N.G.W. Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Chapman and Hall, 1979
MN 324
4 credits [3-1-0]
Geomining conditions: Geological factors contributing to strata control problems in mines, Geomechanics classification of rocks ; Safety status: Status of safety in coal mines vis-à-vis strata control problems, Assessing the risk from the hazards of roof & side falls ; Design of support system: Design of support system for development and depillaring workings, Design of support system for long wall workings, Application of modeling techniques to strata control problems ; Strata behaviour studies: Instrumentation for evaluation of strata condition in coal mines, Strata control techniques and its application to coal mining industry, Case studies on geotechnical instrumentation and strata control in coal mines, Demonstration of geotechnical instrumentation and computer softwares ; Organization of strata control cell: strata control cell in mines, Training needs of the first line supervisors for effective implementation of the latest strata control technologies. Essential Reading: 1. M. L. Jeremic, Strata Mechanics In Coal Mining, A A Balkema, Rotterdam, Taylor and Francis, 1985, 566p 2. T., Bieniawski Ziti, Strata Control in Mineral Engineering, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1 Feb 1987. Supplementary Reading: 1. T. N. Singh, Underground winning of Coal, Oxford and IBH New Delhi,1992 2. B.H. G. Brady and E.T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1992 3. J.A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK,2000 4. Z.T. Bieniawski Engineering Rock Mass Classifications. Wiley, New York. 251, 1989. 5. S S Peng and H S Chiang, Longwall mining, Wiley; New York, 708p.
MN 325
4 credits [3-1-0]
Deformation and Strain Measuring Instruments: Convergence meters, convergence recorders, tape extensometers, bore hole deformation, gauge, multipoint borehole extensometers and bore hole camera ; Load and Pressure Measuring Instruments:Load cells, pressure measuring instruments – stress capsules, stress meters, borehole pressure,cells and flat jacks. Strain gauges and transducers, readout units, sensors, transmitters and data acquisition systems ; Testing Equipment: UTM, MTS and acoustic emission equipment. Rock bolt pull tester, Monitoring and interpretation of the data ; Applications: Mining Engineering applications: Instrumentation in underground mines and opencast mines; Civil Engineering applications; Instrumentation in Hydro electric projects and Tunnels, case studies. Essential Reading: 1. J. A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK,2000 2. M. L. Jeremic, Strata Mechanics in coal mining, A A Balkema, Rotterdam, Taylor and Francis, 1985, Supplementary Reading: 1. Z. T. Bieniawski, Strata Control in Mineral Engineering, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987. 2. B. H. G. Brady and E.T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1992 3. Z.T. Bieniawski. Engineering Rock Mass Classifications. Wiley, New York, 1989
MN 330
4 credits [3-1-0]
Composition of mine air, Mine gases: properties, origin, occurrence, physiological effects, detection, monitoring and control, Methane layering, Degasification of coal seams. Production, assessment, physiological effects and control of mine dusts ; Thermal environment and psychrometry: Sources of heat load sources in mines, Effect of heat and humidity on miners. Psychrometry, Cooling power of mine air, Methods of improving of cooling power of mine air, Air Conditioning - basic vapour cycle ; Mechanics of air flow through mine openings, Resistance of airways, Equivalent orifice, distribution of air current, control devices in ventilation systems, Natural ventilation: Calculation of NVP, Thermodynamic aspects, Artificial aids to natural ventilation ; Mechanical ventilation: Principal types of mine fans, Installation, operation, characteristics and selection of mine fans, Fan testing and Out put Control, Fan laws and fan drives, Evasees, Diffusers, Booster fans, Auxiliary ventilation. Reversal of air currents and controlled recirculation ; Ventilation Survey: Quantity and Pressure survey ; Planning and Design of Ventilation Systems: mine ventilation design criteria and ventilation design factors, ventilation standards, Ascensional, descensional, homotropal, antitropal, central and boundary ventilations systems, Ventilation layouts for coal and metal mining, Network analysis : Hardy-Cross method, Computer application in mine ventilation. Essential Reading: 1. M. J. McPherson, Subsurface Ventilation and Environmental Engineering, Chapman & Hall, 1993 2. G. B. Mishra, Mine Environment and Ventilation, Oxford University Press, Fifth Impression, 1993 Supplementary Reading: 1. H. L. Hartman, Mine Ventilation and Air Conditioning, John Wiley, Paperback edition,1989. 2. H. L. Hartman, J. M. Mutmansky, R. V. Ramani and Y. J. Wang, Mine Ventilation And Air Conditioning, Wiley-interscience, 3rd Edition, 1997 3. S. P. Banerjee, Mine Ventilation, Lovely Prakashan, 1st Edition, 2003 4. M. A. Ramlu, Mine Disaster and Mine Rescue, Oxford & IBH, 1991 MN 332
3 credits [3-0-0]
Elements of photogrammetry, Stereoscopic Vision, Photo interpretation techniques, Definition and components of remote sensing, Electromagnetic waves and radiation principles, Multiconcept remote sensing, interaction of EMW with various ground components: vegetation, water, snow, soil and minerals; Sensors and platforms, False color composite, Digital image processing: geometric and radiometric correction, image enhancement, band ratio, edge detection, filtering, principal component analysis, and image classification, Normalized difference vegetation index, Application of remote sensing in hydrology, mineral exploration, natural hazards like landslide, flood, and earthquake, Identification of surface feature, drainage pattern, structural patterns. Essential Reading: 1. T.M. Lillesand, R.W. Kiefer, J.W. Chipman, Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley and Sons, 2004. 2. R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992. Supplementary Reading:
1. S. N Pandey, Principle and Application of Photogeology, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1987. 2. R.P Gupta, Remote Sensing Geology, Springer, 2003. 3. S.A. Drury, A Guide to Remote Sensing: Interpreting Images of the Earth, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1990. 4. B.Tso, P.M Mather, Classification Methods for Remotely Sensed Data, Taylor & Francis, 2001. MN 336
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction: Processes of formation of coal, Theories of origin of coal, Eras of coal formation, Indian Coalfields and its subsidiaries: Occurrence and distribution, coal bearing formations, coal type and rank variation, Characteristics of major coalfields, Coal production from different sectors. ; Coal petrography: Macro and micro lithotypes, Composition of macerals, application of coal petrography, Mineral matter in coal: Origin and chemical composition, Impact of mineral matter in coal process industry ; Coal properties and their evaluation: proximate and ultimate analysis, calorific value, crossing and ignition point temperature, plastic properties(free swelling index, Caking index, Gray King Low Temperature Assay, Roga index, plastometry, dilatometry), physical properties like specific gravity, hard groove grindability index, heat of wetting, Crossing point temperature of coal, Behaviour of coal at elevated temperatures and products of thermal decomposition ; Classification of coal: International and Indian classification, grading of Indian coals ; Coal Washing: Principles, objectives, coal preparation, washability characteristics ; Selection, testing, storage and utilization of coking and non-coking coal, Use of coal by different industries ; Clean Coal Technology: Introduction, Pre-combuction, Combustion and Post combustion clean coal technology, Conversion Essential Reading: 1. S. Sarkar, Fuels and Combustion, Orient Longman Private Ltd., 2nd edition, 1990 2. O. P.Gupta, Elements of Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories, Khanna Publication, 3rd Edition, 1996 Supplementary Reading: 1. M. A. Elliot (ed.), Chemistry of Coal Utilization, Wiley, 1981 2. N. Berkowitz, An Introduction to Coal Technology, Elsevier, 1993 3. D. Chandra, R. M. Singh and M. P. Singh, Text Book of Coal, Tara Book Agency, 2000 4. G. G. Sarkar, An Introduction to Coal Preparation Practice, Oxford and IBH, 1986 5. S. P.Mathur, Mine Planning for Coal, M.G. Consultants, Bilaspur, 1993
MN 370
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Determination of Relative Humidity of Mine air with Fixed/stationary Hygrometer, and Whirling Hygrometer 2. Determination of Relative Humidity of air using Assman Psychrometer 3. Determination of cooling power of air using Kata Thermometer 4. Determination of CO% by MSA CO detector 5. Determination of percentage of CO and CO2 by Drager Multi Gas Detector (Model 21/31). 6. Determination of Methane % by MSA D-6 Methanometer. 7. Study of the construction and working of Flame Safety Lamp (VELOX GL-50, GL-60 and MSA type)
8. Gas Testing by Flame Safety Lamp in a Gas Testing Chamber 9. Measurement of Air Velocity by (i) Vane Anemometer (ii) Electric Analog Velometer 10. Study of Pitot Static Tube & measuring of Air Velocity in a ventilation duct in combination with an Inclined Manometer. 11. Measurement of dust concentration by (i) Gravimetric Dust Sampler, (II). Personal Dust Sampler 12. Measurement of dust concentration by High Volume Sampler 13. Measurement of Noise Level by Integrating Sound Level Meter ( CEL-283) MN 371
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Preparation of Rock Specimens for various testing purposes 2. Study of Compressive Testing Machine 3. Determination of Protodyakonov Strength Index 4. Determination of Impact Strength Index 5. Determination of the Uni-axial Compressive Strength of rock materials 6. To Determine the Tensile Strength of a rock specimen by an Indirect Method (Brazilian Test) 7. Determination of Point Load Strength Index 8. Determination of Shear Strength by Direct Shear Test 9. Determination of Modulus of Elasticity and Poission’s ratio of rock samples 10. Determination of Slake Durability Index of rock samples 11. Determination of Slake Durability Index of coal samples 12. Determination of Permeability of rock 13. Determination of C – φ by using Tri-axial Cell Unit 14. Determination of Index Parameter using Schmidth Hammer MN 372
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Ore body modeling using SURPAC 2. Application of SURPAC for mine scheduling 3. Study of stress distribution around single opening using FLAC –2D 4. Study of stress distribution around single opening using FLAC –3D 5. Study of stress distribution around single opening using UDEC 6. Study of stress distribution around circular opening 7. Stress distribution around rectangular opening 8. Study of stress distribution around multiple openings 9. Study of deformation around circular opening 10. Study of deformation around single opening using FLAC –2D 11. Study of deformation around single opening using UDEC 12. Study of deformation around multiple openings
MN 373
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Particle size analysis of different rocks and minerals. 2. Study of Jaw Crusher 3. Determination of Actual Capacity and Reduction Ratio of jaw crusher 4. Verification of Rettinger’s Law using jaw crusher,.
5. Study of Hammer Mill 6. Determination of Actual Capacity and Reduction Ratio of Hammer Mill 7. Verification of Kick’s’ Law using Hammer Mill 8. Study of the effect of Ball Load and time on Grinding using Ball Mill 9. Study of Vibrating Screen and Determination of its Effectiveness. 10. Study of Magnetic Separator and Determination of its Efficiency 11. Study of Baum Jig and Determination of its Efficiency.
MN 374
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Study of Universal Testing Machine 2. Evaluation of ground vibration using Blastmate 3. Determination of Explosive Strength by V.O.D.Monitor 4. Determination of rock hardness by Hardness Tester 5. Determination of Rock In-situ Stress by Flat Jack Unit 6. Determination of the relation between the moisture content and the dry density of the loose rock materials using light compaction 7. Study of Bore hole stress meter 8. To study the Permeability characteristics of coal specimens 9. Determination of crushing strength of rock, slag, aggregate gravel by using LOS Abrasion Testing Machine 10. Determination of Aggregate impact value of rock/ concrete by using Aggregate Impact Test Apparatus 11. Determination of Impact Strength with Pendulum Impact Tester 12. Introduction to a few numerical modeling software’s etc. MN 375
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Study of bi-cable aerial rope-way 2. Study of headgear and pulleys 3. Study of cage & skip 4. Study of different types of keps 5. Study of scraper chain conveyor 6. Study of belt conveyor 7. Study of gate end box 8. Study of king detaching safety hook 9. Study of mechanism of shaft sinking 10. Study of winding shaft 11. Study of safety devices in haulage 12. Study of cage attachment to winding rope
MN 376
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Preparation of surface mining models 2. Preparation of underground coal mining models 3. Preparation of underground metal mining models 4. Preparation of underground mine ventilation models 5. Preparation of underground transport models 6. Preparation of underground excavation models 7. Preparation of underground man riding models
2 credits [0-0-3]
8. Preparation of underground support models 9. Preparation of opencast bench models 10. Preparation of reclamation models 11. Preparation of models on blasting in opencast mines 12. Preparation of models on blasting in underground mines MN 377
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Determination of Moisture Content of Coal 2. Determination of volatile matter content of coal sample 3. Determination of ash content of coal sample 4. Determination of the bulk density of coal sample 5. Determination of the true density of supplied coal sample. 6. Determination of caking index of coal 7. Determination of free swelling index of coal. 8. Determination of washability characteristics of coal sample by float and sink analysis 9. Determination of calorific value of coal using bomb calorimeter 10. Determination of Hardgroove Grindability index of coal 11. Determination of Crossing point temperature of coal 12. Determination of Critical Air Blast value coal MN 400
4 credits [3-1-0]
Principles of Mine Planning: Mining industry in comparison to other industries, Planning for mineral policy, Plans to be maintained in the mineral industry, Stages of planning of new mines, requirements of planning, Master Plan, Feasibility Report, Detailed project report ; Technical considerations in Planning: Selection of method of mining, opening up of open cast mines and underground mines, development of open cast mines and underground mines, Division of mine lease area into mining Units, location of entries, Surface layouts , pit bottom layout,Ventilation planning ; Planning of mine workings and systems: infrastructure planning, production planning, Mineral handling plant, optimal planning, Planning of special methods of Coal and metal mines, Placer Mining, Sea bed Mining. ; Socio-Economic considerations: Social aspects, Environment Management Plan, estimation of mining costs and profits, Restructuring planning, Issues and challenges of Mine planning in the future, Mine Closure plan. Essential Reading: 1. S. P. Mathur, Mine Planning for Coal, M.G. Consultants, Bilaspur, 1993 2. J. Bhattacharya, Principles of Mine Planning, Allied Publishers Pvt Limited, New Delhi, 2003 Supplementary Reading: 1. W. Hustrulid and M. Kuchta, Open Pit Mine Planning and Design, A.A.Balkema Rotterdam, 1995 2. B. M. Vorobjev and R.T. Desmukh, Advanced Coal Mining Vol-II, Asia Publishing house London,revised edition,1966 3. PWJ Van Rensbarg, Planning Open-pit mines, AA Balkema Cape Town, 1970 4. A.A. Myasnikov, Principle of Coal Mine Ventilation Planning, N.T.I.S. ,1981. 5. R D Singh, Principles and Practices of Modern Coal Mining, New age International Pvt limited Publishers, New Delhi, 1998
MN 410
4 credits [3-1-0]
Design of tunnels: Rock mass classification, stability analysis of tunnels, elastic and plastic deformation; Ground control: stress conditions, behavior of ground, Geomechanics instrumentation, design of supports ; Equipments, Tunnel Boring Machines, ventilation, tunnel economics. Essential Reading: 1. Richard E Bullock, Tunneling and Underground Construction Techniques, SME Publication, 2002 2. Stack Barbara, Hand book of Mining & Tunneling Machinery, John Wiley and Sons. Supplementary Reading: 1. R. V. Proctor, Rock Tunneling with Steel Supports 2. F. O. Franciss, Weak rock tunneling, Taylor and Francis, 1994 3. J. Johansen, Modern trends in tunneling and blast design, Taylor and Francis, 2000 4. F. D. Davidson, Tunneling and Transport, Elsevier APPLIED Science, 1987 5. Bieniawski Z.T, Rock Mechanics Design in Mining & Tunneling 6. Edi Bickel J. O., T. R. Kuesel & E. H. King, Tunnel Engineering Handbook
MN 411
4 credits [3-1-0]
Introduction, Indian context of advance surface mines, Advancement in mine unit operation. ; Planning of surface mines viz, Procedural steps of planning, Ore body description, Mining Systems, Ultimate pit configuration. Design of surface mines, Feasibility Report & Detailed Project Report, Modern surface mining equipments. ; Legislations related to surface mining, Mine Closure Planning. Essential Reading: 1. R. T. Desmukh, Opencast Mining, Lovely prakashan Dhanbad, 1st ed, 1990. 2. S. K. Das, Surface Mining Technology, Lovely prakashan Dhanbad, 1st ed, 1994. Supplementary Reading: 1. G. B. Mishra, Surface Mining, Lovely Prakashan Dhanbad, 1st ed, 1971. 2. E. Hoek and J. Bray, Rock Slope Engineering, 3rd Ed., Inst. Of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1980 3. W. Hustrulid and M. Kuchta, Open pit mine planning and Design, Vol - I, A. A. Balkema Rotterdam, 1st ed,1995. 4. B. Cummins Arthur, SME Mining Engineers Hand Book, American Institute of Mining,Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers New York,1973
MN 412
4 credits [3-1-0]
Exploration: Modern Exploration Techniques to Identify the Complex Coal Deposits ; Classification: Classification of Coal Deposits Lying under Typical Geo-mining Conditions ; Challenges: Challenges to improve Production and Productivity from Deep Seated Deposits, Challenges in Liquidation of Locked-up Pillars ; Experimental trials: Innovative Technologies for Stability Analysis, Design and Development of Deep Seated Deposits ; Modern techniques: Application of Numerical Modeling Techniques to Control Ground Problems of Complex Deposits, Use of Modern Instruments for Strata Control of deep seated deposits, In-situ Gasification and Mineral Biotechnology for Complex Coal Deposits. Essential Reading:
1. R. D. Singh, Principles & Practices of Modern Coal Mining, New age international New Delhi,1997 2. T. N. Singh, Underground winning of Coal, Oxford and IBH New Delhi,1992 Supplementary Reading: 1. S. S. Peng and H S Chiang, Longwall mining, Wiley; New York, 708p. 2. S. K. Das, Modern Coal Mining Technology, Lovely prakashan Dhanbad,1992 3. D. Prasad and S Rakesh, Legislation in Indian Mines-A critical Appraisal, Niskam Press, New Delhi, 1883p. 4. S. P. Mathur, Coal Mining in India, M.S. Enterprises Bilaspur,1999 MN 413
4 credits [3-1-0]
Extraction of thick seams: Problems and issues, recent experimental trials Chirimiri caving Method, Blasting Gallery Method, Integral Caving method, Sublevel caving method, Hydraulic Mining, Shield Mining ; Extraction underneath surface features: Non-Effective width (NEW) , Back filling methods, Wide stall mining. ; Extraction of multiple seams: Problems and issues, recent experimental trials, Parting failures and control, design of workings ; Extraction of locked up pillars: Status of Bord and pillar mining in India, techniques of extraction and future requirements ; Support systems: Strata behavior at greater depths, problems of strata control in high horizontal stress fields, design of support system. Essential Reading: 3. R. D. Singh, Principles & Practices of Modern Coal Mining, New age international New Delhi,1997 4. T. N. Singh, Underground winning of Coal, Oxford and IBH New Delhi,1992 Supplementary Reading: 1. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of Mining Technology, Vol - I, EMDEE publishers Ranchi, Revised edition, 2000. 2. S. K. Das, Modern Coal Mining Technology, Lovely prakashan Dhanbad,1992 3. S. P. Mathur, Coal Mining in India, M.S. Enterprises Bilaspur,1999
MN 414
3 credits [3-0-0]
Classification of Rock for specific engineering purposes- Underground, Surface, etc. Mechanical properties of discontinues rocks – Planes of discontinuity in rocks, characteristics and orientation of Joints; Measurement of rock mass deformability- Insitu Testing; Applications - Opencast mining and slope stability, Underground mining and excavation, - massive rocks, layered rocks, weak rocks; Application to waste disposal and underground storage, application to earthquakes. Essential Reading: 1. J. A. Franklin and M.B. Dusseault, Rock Engineering, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991 2. R.E. Goodman, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1980 Supplementary Reading: 1. L. Hartman et al, Mining Engineering Handbook, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Inc., USA, 1992 2. V. S. Vutukuri and K. Katsuyama, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Industrial Publishing & Consulting Inc., Tokyo, 1994
3. B. H. G. Brady and E. T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1992 4. J. C. Jeager and N.G.W. Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Chapman and Hall, 1979 5. E. Hoek and J. Bray, Rock Slope Engineering, 3rd Ed., Inst. Of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1980 6. J. A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK,2000 7. J. A. Franklin and M.B. Dusseault, Rock Engineering Applications, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991 MN 415
4 credits [3-1-0]
Methods: Techno-economic analysis on choice of stoping methods, high productivity methods: blasthole stoping, vertical retreat method of mining, block caving, raise stoping, underground bench blasting, stope design and production planning in the various methods of stopping ; Special underground excavations: shaft pockets, ore bins, ore transfer, ramp, decline, step mining methods, stope fills: preparation, transportation and filling operation, stope design and production planning, methods of pillar extraction, solution mining: in situ leaching, underground retorting, under-sea mining, introduction to novel mining methods, Special underground excavation and system of supports ; Pillar extraction: methods of pillar extraction, salt, potash and sulphur mining- their special problems. Essential Reading: 1. Y. P. Chacharkar, A study of Metalliferous Mining Methods, Lovely prakshan Dhanbad,1994 2. K. S. Stout, Mining Methods and Equipment, McGraw hill New York,1980 Supplementary Reading: 1. B. C.Arthur, SME Mining Engineers Hand Book, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers New York, 1973. 2. D.J. Deshmukh, Elements of Mining Technology, Vol - II ,Central Techno Publications, Nagpur, 2001 3. Metal Mines Regulations-1961, Lovely Prakashan
MN 421
4 credits [3-1-0]
Types and Mechanics of Slope Failure: Site investigation for slope assessment. Geological appraisal of slope behaviour, Types of slope failure, falls, slides and flows. Mechanics of slope failure ; Factors Affecting Slope Stability: Geological factors, slope geometry, ground water, equipment loading, dynamic loading and effect of time ; Slope Stability Analysis: Failure mechanisms, shear strength of soil and rock masses. Influence of groundwater. Evaluation of stability and risk. Earth dams, stability analysis, numerical models, empirical models ; slope Mass Rating System, Slope instrumentation. Remedial measures ; Design of Waste Dumps and Tailings Dams: stability analysis of opencast high walls and benches, overburden dumps, case studies. Essential Reading: 1. R. N. Chowdury, Slope Analysis, elseveir, 1978 2. E. Hoek and J. Bray, Rock Slope Engineering, The Inst. of Mining & Metallurgy, London, pp. 358, 1981 Supplementary Reading: 1. B. F. Walker and R. Fell, Soil slope instability and stabilisation, A A Balkema, 1987
2. E. N. Bromhead, Stability of slopes, Wiley, London 3. M. L. Jeremic, Strata Mechanics In Coal Mining, A A Balkema, Rotterdam, Taylor and Francis, 1985, 566p 4. J. A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK,2000 5. Z.T. Bieniawski, Engineering Rock Mass Classifications. Wiley, New York, 1989. MN 431
4 credits [3-1-0]
Spontaneous Heating and Mine Fires: Spontaneous Heating : Causes, incubation period, detection, remedial measures.Mine Fires -Classification, causes, preventive measures, dealing with mine fires – direct and indirect methods, reopening of scaled off areas. ; Explosion: Fire-damp Explosion - Limits of inflammability of methane, causes of ignition, nature of fire damp explosion, propagation and prevention. Coal-dust Explosion - Index of inflammability, factors affecting explosibility of coal dust, causes and safeguards. Propagation of coal dust explosions, Investigation after an explosion. ; Mine Illumination: Its effects on safety, efficiency and health, Flame and electric safety lamps- their uses and lamp-room – lay out and organization, standards of illumination in mines, lighting from the mains, photometric illumination survey, Miners’ diseases Essential Reading: 1. M. A. Ramlu, Mine Disaster and Mine Rescue, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 1991 2. Rakesh and Lele, Water Problem in Mines, Mrs. Ashalata, Varanasi, 2003 Supplementary Reading: 1. A.T. Donalad, The lighting of Underground Mines,Trans Tech Switzerland,1982 2. R. Mcadam and D. Davidson, Mine Rescue Work, Oliver and Boyd, London, 2000 MN 433
3 credits [3-0-0]
INTRODUCTION: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) – Environmental Impact Statement – EIA in Project Cycle – Legal and Regulatory aspects in India according to Ministry of Environment and Forests – Types and limitations of EIA – Cross sectoral issues and terms of reference in EIA –Participation of Public and Non-Governmental Organizations in environmental decision making ; COMPONENTS AND METHODS: Components of EIA Processes – screening – scoping - setting – analysis – mitigation. Matrices – Networks – Checklists – Connections and combinations of processes - Cost benefit analysis – Analysis of alternatives – Software packages for EIA – Expert systems in EIA ; PREDICTION, ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTS AND REPORTING: Prediction tools for EIA – Mathematical modeling for impact prediction – Assessment of impacts – air – water – soil – noise – biological – socio-cultural environments – Cumulative Impact Assessment – Documentation of EIA findings – planning – organization of information and visual display materials – Report preparation ; ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN : Environmental Management Plan - preparation, implementation and review – Mitigation and Rehabilitation Plans – Policy and guidelines for planning and monitoring programmes – Post project audit – Ethical and Quality aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment ; CASE STUDIES: Case studies related to the following sectors - Infrastructure - Mining – Industrial - Thermal Power - River valley and Hydroelectric - Nuclear Power. Essential Reading : 1. D. P. Lawrence, Environmental Impact Assessment – Practical Solutions to recurrent Problems, Wiley-Interscience, New Jersey. 2003 2. J. Petts, Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment, Vol., I and II, Blackwell Science London. 1999.
Supplementary Reading: 1. L. W. Canter, Environmental Impact Assessment, McGraw-Hill, New York. 1996 2. A. K. Biswas, and S. B. C. Agarwala, Environmental Impact Assessment for Developing Countries, Butterworth Heinemann, London. 1994 3. The World Bank Group, Environmental Assessment Source Book Vol. I, II and III. The World Bank, Washington. 1991. MN 435
3 credits [3-0-0]
Overview: Basic concept of eco-friendly mining. Selection of eco-friendly equipment and exploitation operations, Environmental Parameters: Water quality – physical, chemical, biological, criteria and standards. Classification and chemistry of major air pollutants. Soil chemistry – nature and importance of soil, soil properties, soil amendments, Waste Management: Waste water management – sources characteristics, techniques of treatment. Acid mine drainage – occurrence, effects and treatment techniques. Solid waste management for mine spoils, Mine Reclamation & Mine Closure: Mine Reclamation strategies, Principles, planning, financial provisions, implementation, standards for closure criteria, systems approach for mine closure and development of closure plan, Socioeconomic Aspects of Mining. Essential Reading : 1. H. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe and G. Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.; 7th Rev Ed edition, 2000. 2. C. J. Barrow, Environmental Management: Principles and Practice (Routledge Environmental Management Series) Routledge, 1st edition, 1999. Supplementary Reading : 1. I. P. G. Hutchison, and R. D.Ellison, Mine Waste Management, CRC Press, 1st edition,1992 2. G. Burke, B.R. Singh and L. Theodore, Handbook of Environmental Management and Technology, Wiley-Interscience, 2nd edition, 2000. 3. N.C Saxena, Mining Environment Management Manual, Scientific Publishers (India), 2004 4. M. J. Hammer, Water and Wastewater Technology, Prentice Hall, 6th edition, 2007. MN 436
4 credits [3-1-0]
General: Environmental issues in Mineral Industry- National and Global, Environmental impacts of Mineral exploitation - in underground and opencast mining. ; Land Environment: Subsidence, visual impacts, landscape pollution, land degradation, land reclamation, land use, landscape planning, ecology. ; Societal Development: Socio-economic impacts, sustainable development, concept of carrying capacity based planning; Pollution: Water Availability, quality, pollution and treatment, Liquid effluents: Quality, treatment and disposal. Solid Wastes - Generation, treatment and disposal, hazardous waste management and planning. Tailings disposal & treatment systems. Air: Pollution, monitoring and Control. Noise and Ground vibration - Causes, precautions, prevention and reduction. ; Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Environmental Impact Statement (Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Legislation in India. Environmental Audit of Mining EIS) projects. Essential Reading: 1. Chaudhuri and B. D. Nag, Introduction to Environmental Management, Interprint New Delhi, 1983.
2. T. N. Khashoo, Perspectives in Environmental management, Oxford and IBH New Delhi, 1987. Supplementary Reading: 1. B. B. Dhar and D. N. Thakur, Proceedings of the first World Mining Environment Congress, Taylor and Francis, 1996. 2. R. C. Gupta, Proceeding of the International Conference on Environmental Management in Metallurgical industries (EMMI-2000). 3. R. G. A. Boland, Environmental Management training, Sterling publishers New Delhi, 1986. MN 438
3 credits [3-0-0]
Classification & characterization of waste, collection, Handling of Industrial (Mining, Thermal, Chemical, Radioactive, Biomedical, etc.) and Domestic Waste, Utilisation of wastes, ; Federal and State regulations on Waste Management, Recycling, Recovery and Reuse of Wastes, Optimisation of waste Disposal System. ; Global Scenario in Waste Management. Essential Reading: 1. M. L. Davis and W. A. Eornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, McGrow Hill Publishing Co, NY 2. G. N. Pandey & G. C. Carney, Environmental Engineering, 1st edn. Tata McGrawHill, New Delhi, India Supplementary Reading: 1. Hazarding waste Rules, 1989 2. James H. Saling, W Andson, Y.S Fertiman, Radioactive Waste Management, Tayler & Francis Group 2nd edition
MN 441
4 credits [3-1-0]
Mine Legislation: General principles of Mining Law, Principal Provisions of Mines Act, Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, Mineral Concession Rules, Mines Rules 1955, Electricity Rules, Industrial Disputes Act. 1947, Mine Rescue Rules. ; Mine Safety : Accidents- Their causes and prevention, accident statistics, rates of accidents, relation between accidents and efficiency, accident reports, cost of accidents. ; Safety risk assessment and management, Safety Audit, Occupational health and safety in mines. Mine safety management systems, Safety education and training. Essential Reading: 1. B. K. Kejriwal, Safety in Mines, Lovely Prakshan Dhanbad, 2002 2. Rakesh and S. D. Prasad, Legislation in Indian Mines: A critical appraisal, Vol- I & II, Mrs Asha Lata Varnasi,5th ed,1990 Supplementary Reading: 1. V. K. Malhotra, Mineral Concession Rules-1960, Malhotra Bros.,Patna, Supplementary Ed., 1993 2. A. K. Ghosh, S. K. Ray and A. K. Patra, Proceeding of the National Seminar on Policies, Statutes & Legislation in Mines, CIMFR, Dhanbad, India, 2008 3. R. S. Rao, Law of Mines and Minerals, S. N. Hussainy (Revised), Asia Law House, 8th Eds, 1996.
MN 442
4 credits [3-1-0]
Mine Fires: Survey of various causes of mine fires with statistical data of Indian mines. Physical and chemical factors governing proneness to fire in coal and metaliferrous mines. Various methods adopted to combat fires and their advantages and disadvantages. Advances in fire fighting techniques and equipments, rescue operations in fire-zones.; Spontaneous Heating: Various causes of spontaneous heating and statistical data in Indian mines, Theories of spontaneous heating of coal, Factors governing spontaneous heating. Intrinsic and extrinsic properties of various substances e.g.-porosity, permeability, pore distribution Moisture etc. Sulphide determination; Laboratory investigations and liability indices to measure relative proneness of spontaneous heating; Different methods to seal off fire areas; Reopening of sealed off fire areas; Early detection of spontaneous heating in mines and stacks, recent trends to eliminate recurrence of spontaneous heating. Essential Reading: 1. S.C. Banerjee, Coal and Mine Fire, Oxford and IBH, 2004 2. M.A. Ramlu, Mine Disasters and Mine Rescue, Oxford and IBH, 2002 Supplementary Reading: 1. L.C. Kaku, Fires in Coal Mines, Oriental Publishers, 2nd Edition, 1985 MN 443
3 credits [3-0-0]
Safety concepts, Functions and role of safety, Fundamentals of loss control, Safety costs Direct and indirect costs of accidents, Influence of environment on safety (noise, lighting, temperature, humidity). System Engineering Approach to Safety, Causes of Accidents, Accident Analysis and Control, Techniques used in Safety analysis ; Safety Management and Organization, Safety Committee, Role of supervisors, Policy, Operator error, qualitative error predictions, accountability - Fault tree analysis, Operating hazards analysis, Risk assessment, Safety analysis programme, Training, Human Behavioral Approach in Safety. ; Law of safety progress, Regulatory agencies and statute laws Statute law vs Common law, occupational safety and health agency. Essential Reading: 1. R. A. Stephans, System safety for the 21st century. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience, 2004 2. N. J. Bahr, System Safety engineering and risk assessment: A practical approach, Taylor and Francis, 1997 Supplementary Reading: 1. A. Kuhlmann, Introduction to Safety Science, Springer Verlag, 1981 2. Ridley, John & Channing, John, Safety at Works, Oxford, 1999 3. Re Velle, B. Jack, Safety Training Methods. John Wiley, 1980 4. H. E. Roland and B. Moriarty, System Safety engineering and management, Wiley Interscience., 1990. MN 471
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Study of MSA type Gas mask (Model: “SW”, Air purifying filter). 2. Study of MSA type Self Rescuer (Model: IW-65).
2 credits [0-0-3]
3. Study of Oxygen Self Contained Breathing Apparatus i. By Drager BG-174, ii. By Travox-120 4. Study of Drager Pulmotor (Model: PT-60). 5. Study of Portable Fire Extinguishers 6. Study the construction and working of Explosion Proof Fire Stoppings. 7. Determination of susceptibility of coal by chemical method or by puff temperature method. 8. Study of stone dust barrier 9. Determination of flammability temperature of coal by using inflammability index apparatus 10. Study of layout of a self service type Lamp-room. 11. Measurement of Noise Level by Integrated Sound Level Meter (Model: CEL-283EX) 12. Measurement of Lux by Light Meter MN 472
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Preparation of data base for mine evaluation 2. Create a geological data base and import all data files 3. Performing data compositing and statistical analysis 4. Create digital terrain model and surface contouring 5. Create section and digitization of individual sections 6. Create solid model using sections 7. Perform volume and area calculation of solid model, Union and intersection of different sections 8. Create block model; estimation of block models using inverse distance and polygonal method 9. Performing variogram analysis, fitting variogram, checking anisotropy 10. Intersection of block model and solid model; resource evaluation using ordinary kriging technique 11. Blast design using SURPAC software 12. Mine design using SURPAC software 13. Ultimate pit limit calculation 14. Determination of Grade tonnage curve and study the conditional biased in estimation MN 473
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Simulation of underground openings-2D continuum models 2. Simulation of underground openings-3D continuum models 3. Simulation of underground openings- discontinuum models 4. Study of stability of underground opening – Mohr-Coulomb model 5. Study of stability of underground opening – Hoek-Brown model 6. Simulation of opencast workings 7. Study of stability of slopes – 2D continuum models 8. Study of stability of slopes – 3D continuum models 9. Study of stability of slopes – 2D discontinuum models 10. Design of supports for underground openings 11. Simulation of thick seam workings 12. Simulation of multiple seam work
2 credits [0-0-3]
Sub. Code MA 101 PH 101 CY 101 EE 100 EC 100 CE 100 CE 130 PH 170 CY 170 CS 171 CE 171 WS 171
Subjects Mathematics - I Physics - I Chemistry Basic Electrical Technology Basic Electronics Engineering Engineering Mechanics Environmental and Safety Engineering Physics Laboratory Chemistry Laboratory Computing Laboratory - I Engineering Drawing Workshop Practice - I Extra Academic Activity - I TOTAL
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0
Credits 4 4 4
0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 15-5-15
2 2 2 2 30
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0
Credits 4 4 4
0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 15-5-15
2 2 2 2 30
Sub. Code MA 102 PH 102 CS 102 EC 100 EE 100 CE 130 CE 100 CY 170 PH 170 CS 172 ME 170 WS 172
Subjects Mathematics - II Physics - II Data Structures and Algorithm Basic Electronics Engineering Basic Electrical Technology Environmental and Safety Engineering Engineering Mechanics Chemistry Laboratory Physics Laboratory Computing Laboratory - II Machine Drawing and Solid Modeling Workshop Practice - II Extra Academic Activity - II TOTAL
THIRD SEMESTER Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sub.Code MN 201 MA 201 CE 203
MA 270 HS 270 EC 270 EE 270 MN 273 CE 273
Subjects Mine Development Mathematics - III Mechanics of Solids Professional Elective - I HS & Open Elective - I Numerical Methods Laboratory OR Language Laboratory Electronics Engineering Laboratory OR Electrical Engineering Laboratory Mining Geology & Exploration Laboratory Mechanics of Solids Laboratory TOTAL
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0
Credits 4 4 3 3 3
0-0-3 0-0-3
2 2 25
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 0-0-3
Credits 4 4 3 3 3 2
2 25
FOURTH SEMESTER Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sub. Code MN 202 MA 204
MN 274 EE 270 EC 270 MA 270 HS 270 MN 271
Subjects Mine Surveying Mathematics – IV Professional Elective - II Professional Elective - III HS & Open Elective – II Mining Machinery Laboratory Electrical Engineering Laboratory Electronics Engineering Laboratory Numerical methods Laboratory Language Laboratory Mine Surveying Laboratory TOTAL
FIFTH SEMESTER Sl.No 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sub. Code MN 311 MN 321
MN 371 MN 373 MN 375 MN 377
Subjects Surface Mining Technology Rock Mechanics Professional Elective - IV Professional Elective - V HS & Open Elective – III Rock Mechanics Laboratory Mineral Processing Technology Laboratory Material Handling Systems Laboratory Solid Fuel Technology Laboratory TOTAL
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3
Credits 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 25
SIXTH SEMESTER Sl.No 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sub. Code MN 330 MN 313
MN 370 MN 372 MN 374 MN 376
Subjects Mine Ventilation Underground Mining Technology Professional Elective - VI Professional Elective - VII HS & Open Elective – IV Mine Ventilation Laboratory Computer Application in Mining Laboratory Geomechanics Laboratory Model preparation Laboratory TOTAL
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3
Credits 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 27
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 0-0-3
Credits 4 4 4 3 2
0-0-6 0-0-3 0-0-0
4 2 2 27
L-T- P 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 0-0-3 0-0-9 0-0-3 0-0-0
Credits 4 4 4 3 2 6 2 2 27
Sub. Code MN 431 MN 441
MN 473
6 7 8
MN 491 MN 493 MN 495
MN 471
Subjects Mine Environmental Engineering Mine Legislation and Safety Engineering Professional Elective - VIII HS & Open Elective - V Mine Environmental Engineering Laboratory Simulation and Modeling of Mining systems Laboratory Research Project - I Seminar and Technical Writing – I Short term Industrial / Research Experience TOTAL
EIGHTH SEMESTER Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sub. Code MN 400
MN 472 MN 492 MN 494 MN 496
Subjects Mine Planning Professional Elective - IX Professional Elective - X HS & Open Elective - VI Mine Planning and Design Laboratory Research Project - II Seminar and Technical Writing – II Comprehensive Viva Voce TOTAL
LIST OF PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVES Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Sub. Code MN 204 MN 205 MN 207 MN 208 MN 232 MN 301 MN 302 MN 303 MN 304 MN 305 MN 322 MN 324 MN 325 MN 332 MN 391 MN 392 MN 393 MN 394 MN 395 MN 396 MN 410 MN 411 MN 412 MN 413 MN 414
26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
MN 415 MN 421 MN 435 MN 436 MN 442 CE 316 CE 318 CE 333 CE 336 CE 361 CE 363 CE 421 CE 425 CH 228
CH 368
41. 42. 43.
CS 315 CS 434 CS 435
Subjects Mining Machinery Mineral Exploration Mining Geology Geostatistics Solid Fuel Technology System Engineering Mine Economics Material Handling Systems Computer Application in Mining Mineral Processing Technology Geomechanics Strata Control Technology Ground Control Instrumentation Remote Sensing and Its Application Special Topic in Mining Engineering - I Special Topic in Mining Engineering - II Special Laboratory in Mining Engg - I Special Laboratory in Mining Engg - II Engineering Product Development Project - I Engineering Product Development Project - II Tunneling Advanced Surface Mining Mining of Deep Seated Deposits Advanced Coal Mining Rock Mechanics Application to Environmental Problems Advanced Metaliferrous Mining Rock Slope Technology Eco-friendly Mining Environmental Pollution and Control in Mines Mine Fires and spontaneous heating Advanced Mechanics of Solids Finite Element Method Environmental Impact Assessment Advanced Environmental Engineering Advanced Surveying Remote Sensing and GIS Ground Improvement Techniques Environmental Geotechnics Treatment of Industrial Effluents Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control Optimization Techniques Image Processing Artificial Intelligence
L-T- P 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0
0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-6 0-0-6 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0
Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 3/4 3/4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0
4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0
4 3 3
44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.
CS 437 HS 320 MA 420 MA 421 ME 413 ME 420 ME 430 MM 258 MM 308
Soft Computing Human Resource Management Operations Research Stochastic Processes Experimental stress analysis Material Handling Industrial Management Experimental Techniques in Metallurgy Energy, Environment & Recycling
3-0-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0
3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3
DEPARTMENT OF MINING ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF COURSES Sub Discipline: MN 201 MN 202 MN 203 MN 204 MN 205 MN 206 MN 207 MN 208 MN 301 MN 302 MN 303 MN 304 MN 305 MN 400
Mine Development Mine Surveying Basic Surveying Mining Machinery Mineral Exploration Introductory Mining Technology Mining Geology Geostatistics System Engineering Mine Economics Material Handling Systems Computer Application in Mining Mineral Processing Technology Mine Planning
Sub Discipline: MN 311 MN 313 MN 321 MN 322 MN 323 MN 324 MN 325 MN 410 MN 411 MN 412 MN 413 MN 414 MN 415 MN 421
3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0
4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 4
3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0
4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
3-1-0 3-1-0
4 4
3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0
3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3
Surface Mining Technology Underground Mining Technology Rock Mechanics Geomechanics Rock Engineering Strata Control Technology Ground Control Instrumentation Tunneling Advanced Surface Mining Mining of Deep Seated Deposits Advanced Coal Mining Rock Mechanics Application to Environmental Problems Advanced Metaliferrous Mining Rock Slope Technology
Sub Discipline: MN 232 MN 330 MN 332 MN 336 MN 431 MN 433 MN 435 MN 436 MN 438
Non-specific Subjects
Solid Fuel Technology Mine Ventilation Remote Sensing and Its Application Solid Fuels and Clean Coal Technology Mine Environmental Engineering Environmental Impact Assessment Eco-friendly Mining Environmental Pollution and Control in Mines Solid Waste Management
MN 441 MN 442 MN 443
Mine Legislation and Safety Engineering Mine Fires and spontaneous heating Safety Engineering
Sub Discipline: MN 271 MN 273 MN 274 MN 370 MN 371 MN 372 MN 373 MN 374 MN 375 MN 376 MN 377 MN 471 MN 472 MN 473
4 4 3
0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-6 0-0-6 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-0 0-0-6 0-0-9 0-0-0
3/4 3/4 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 4 6 2
Laboratory Courses
Mine Surveying Laboratory Mining Geology & Exploration Laboratory Mining Machinery Laboratory Mine Ventilation Laboratory Rock Mechanics Laboratory Computer Application in Mining Laboratory Mineral Processing Technology Laboratory Geomechanics Laboratory Material Handling Systems Laboratory Model Preparation Laboratory Solid Fuel Technology Laboratory Mine Environmental Engineering Laboratory Mine Planning and Design Laboratory Simulation and Modeling of Mining systems Laboratory
Sub Discipline: MN 391 MN 392 MN 393 MN 394 MN 395 MN 396 MN 481 MN 482 MN 483 MN 491 MN 492 MN 496
3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0
Project, Seminar and Special Courses
Special Topic in Mining Engineering - I Special Topic in Mining Engineering - II Special Laboratory in Mining Engg - I Special Laboratory in Mining Engg - II Engineering Product Development Project - I Engineering Product Development Project - II Seminar and Technical Writing – I Seminar and Technical Writing – II Short term Industrial/Research Experience Research Project - I Research Project - II Comprehensive Viva Voce
COURSES OFFERED AS OPEN ELECTIVES (Normally not offered to students of Mining Engineering) Sl.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Sub Code MN 203 MN 206 MN 323 MN 336 MN 433 MN 438 MN 443
Subjects Basic Surveying Introductory Mining Technology Rock Engineering Solid Fuels and Clean Coal Technology Environmental Impact Assessment Solid Waste Management Safety Engineering
L-T- P 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0
Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
DETAILED SUMMARY OF COURSES MN 201 MN 202 MN 203 MN 204 MN 205 MN 206 MN 207 MN 208 MN 232 MN 271 MN 273 MN 274 MN 301 MN 302 MN 303 MN 304 MN 305 MN 311 MN 313 MN 321 MN 322 MN 323 MN 324 MN 325 MN 330 MN 332 MN 336 MN 370 MN 371 MN 372 MN 373 MN 374 MN 375 MN 376 MN 377 MN 400 MN 410 MN 411 MN 412 MN 413 MN 414 MN 415 MN 421 MN 431 MN 433 MN 435
Mine Development Mine Surveying Basic Surveying Mining Machinery Mineral Exploration Introductory Mining Technology Mining Geology Geostatistics Solid Fuel Technology Mine Surveying Laboratory Mining Geology & Exploration Laboratory Mining Machinery Laboratory System Engineering Mine Economics Material Handling Systems Computer Application in Mining Mineral Processing Technology Surface Mining Technology Underground Mining Technology Rock Mechanics Geomechanics Rock Engineering Strata Control Technology Ground Control Instrumentation Mine Ventilation Remote Sensing and Its Application Solid Fuels and Clean Coal Technology Mine Ventilation Laboratory Rock Mechanics Laboratory Computer Application in Mining Laboratory Mineral Processing Technology Laboratory Geomechanics Laboratory Material Handling Systems Laboratory Model Preparation Laboratory Solid Fuel Technology Laboratory Mine Planning Tunneling Advanced Surface Mining Mining of Deep Seated Deposits Advanced Coal Mining Rock Mechanics Application to Environmental Problems Advanced Metaliferrous Mining Rock Slope Technology Mine Environmental Engineering Environmental Impact Assessment Eco-friendly Mining
3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0
4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 3
3-1-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 3-0-0
4 4 4 3 3
MN 436 MN 438 MN 441 MN 442 MN 443 MN 471 MN 472 MN 473
Environmental Pollution and Control in Mines Solid Waste Management Mine Legislation and Safety Engineering Mine Fires and spontaneous heating Safety Engineering Mine Environmental Engineering Laboratory Mine Planning and Design Laboratory Simulation and Modeling of Mining Systems Laboratory
3-1-0 3-0-0 3-1-0 3-1-0 3-0-0 0-0-3 0-0-3 0-0-3
4 3 4 4 3 2 2 2
MN 201
4 credits [3-1-0]
Introduction: Distributions of mineral deposits in India and other countries, mining contributions to civilization, mining terminology, stages in the life of the mine - prospecting, exploration, development, exploitation and reclamation, access to mineral deposit- selection, location, size and shape (incline, shaft and adit),brief overview of underground and surface mining methods. ; Drilling: Types of drills, drilling methods, electric, pneumatic and hydraulic drills, drill steels and bits, drilling rigs, and jumbos. ; Explosives: Classification, composition, properties and tests, fuses, detonators, blasting devices and accessories, substitutes for explosives, handling and storage, transportation of explosives. ; Rock blasting: Mechanism of rock blasting, blasting procedure, and pattern of shot holes. ; Shaft sinking: Ordinary and special methods, problems, and precautions, shaft supports and lining. Essential Reading: 1. R. P. Pal, Rock blasting effect and operation, A. A. Balkema 1st Ed, 2005. 2. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of mining technology, Vol. 1, Central Techno Publications, Nagpur, 7th Ed, 2001 Supplementary Reading: 1. B. H. Gary, Blasting operations, Mc-graw Hill,1st ed,1981. 2. R. P. Pal, Blasting in ground excavations and mines, Oxford and IBH, 1st Ed, 1993. 3. C. P. Chugh, Drilling technology handbook, Oxford and IBH, 1st Ed, 1977. 4. R. D. Singh, Principles and practices of modern coal mining, New age international, 1st Ed, 1997. 5. S. K. Das, Explosive and blasting practices in mines, Lovely prakashan, 1st Ed, 1993. 6. P. K. Rajameny, A Joshi, and S. Bhandari, Blast design and Practice, Himanshu Publications, Udaypur, 2006. MN 202
4 credits [3-1-0]
Linear measurement, Compass surveying – use of prismatic compass, bearing of a line, dial traverse and adjustments, local attractions and correction of bearings, Theodolitesseconds theodolites, micro-optic theodolites, electronic theodolites, measurement of horizontal angles by repetition method and re-iteration method and measurement of vertical angles by general method; Traversing – surface and underground including boundary surveys and joint surveys, survey errors and their adjustments, co-ordinate calculations.. Leveling- use of dumpy levels, quick setting levels, digital levels and leveling staff, temporary adjustments of levels, ordinary and precise leveling, reduction of levels by height of instrument method and rise and fall method, reciprocal leveling, profile leveling, differential leveling; Triangulation: Classification of Triangulation systems, Triangulation figures, Base line measurements ; Correlation of surface and underground surveys: Verticality of shafts, measurement of depth of shafts, setting out curves – surface and underground. Special Mine Surveys: Surveys for connecting national grid, survey of installations of mine structures, EDM and its application, Surveying by Modern instruments by using GPS & Total Station. Essential Reading: 1. W. Schofield and M. Breach, Engineering Surveying, Sixth edition, 2007, ELSEVIER, B&H. 2. B. C. Punmia, Surveying, Vol - I, II, III, Laxmi Publication, New Delhi, 12th Edition, 1990. Supplementary Reading:
1. A. V. Maslov, Geodetic Surveying, Mir Publication, Moscow, Revised edition, 1980. 2. B. Fedorov, Elementary Plane and Mine Surveying, Mir Publication, Moscow, Revised Edition, 1986. 3. V. Natarajan, Advanced Surveying, B.I. Publication, Bombay, First edition, 1976. 4. T. P. Kanetkar, Surveying and Levelling, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Reprints, 1995. 5. S. K. Roy, Fundamentals of Surveying, Printice Hall of India Pvt., New Delhi, Third Printing, 2004. MN 203
3 credits [3-0-0]
Linear measurements and chain surveying: Errors due to incorrect chain, tape corrections, Compass surveying: Use of prismatic compass – dial traverse and adjustments, bearing of a line, local attractions and corrections for bearings, Theodolites: Seconds theodolites, micro-optic theodolites, electronic theodolites, temporary adjustments, Measurement of horizontal angles by repetition method and re-iteration method, measurement of vertical angles by general method, Traverse surveying: close traverse and open traverse, checks in closed traverse and open traverse, plotting a traverse surveying, consecutive co-ordinates: latitudes and departures, closing error, balancing a traverse, Omitted measurements, Leveling: Use of dumpy levels, micro-optic levels, quick setting levels, digital levels and leveling staff, temporary adjustments of levels, Reduction of levels by height of instrument method, and rise and fall method, ordinary and precise leveling, differential leveling, profile leveling, reciprocal leveling, Survey errors and their adjustments, Co-ordinate Calculations; Triangulation: Classification of Triangulation systems, Triangulation figures, Base line measurements; EDM and its application, Surveying by Modern instruments such as GPS & Total Station. Essential Reading: 1. B. C. Punmia, Surveying, Vol- I, II, III, Laxmi Publication, New Delhi, 12th Edition, 1990. 2. W. Schofield and M. Breach, Engineering Surveying, sixth edition, ELSEVIER, B&H. 2007, Supplementary Reading; 1. A. V. Maslov, Geodetic Surveying, Mir Publication, Moscow, Revised edition, 1980. 2. B. Fedorov, Elementary plane and mine surveying, Mir Publication, Moscow, Revised edition, 1986. 3. V. Natarajan, Advanced Surveying, B.I. Publication, Bombay, First edition, 1976. 4. T. P. Kanetkar, Surveying and Levelling, Pune vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Reprints, 1995. 5. S. K. Roy, Fundamentals of Sueveying, Prentice Hall of India Pvt., New Delhi, Third Printing, 2004.
MN 204
3 credits [3-0-0]
General: Mechanical transmission of power in mining machinery, shafts, pulleys, gears, and gear/trains, belt drives, chain drives, couplings and clutches, brakes. ; Wire ropes: Constructions, examinations, listing and maintenance. ; Rope and Locomotive haulages: Direct, main and tail, balanced double drum and endless haulage, gravity haulage, constructional features, power calculation, selection of haulage ropes, haulage tracks and safety appliances, tubs and mine cars, diesel, battery and trolley wire locomotives, tractive effort, ideal gradient, power calculations, exhaust conditioners. ; Compressor and pumps: Generation, distribution and use of compressed air in mines, mine pumps, pumping ranges,
and fittings, elements of pipe line transportation. ; Hydraulics and mining machines: Power hydraulics, hydraulic circuits, actuators, hydraulic fluids, control of hydraulic power, cutting and mining machines for coal, surface coal/ore handling plant. Essential Reading: 1. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of mining technology, Vol. 3, Vidyasewa, 3rd ed,1989. 2. N.T. Karlein, Mine transport, Orient Longman,1st ed, 1967. Supplementary Reading: 1. C. F. Statham, Coal mining practice, Caxton Eastern, 1st Ed, 1960. 2. R. D. Singh, Principles and practices of modern coal mining, New age international, 1st ed, 1997. 3. S. K. Das, Modern coal mining technology, Lovely prakashan, 2nd Ed, 1994. 4. M. P. Alexandrov, Material handling equipment,MIR,1st ed,1981.
MN 205
3 credits [3-0-0]
Classification of ore reserves: proved, probable, and geologist's ore. Geological aspects of drilling borehole location, planning of drilling operations, borehole surveys, correction of deviated boreholes and directional drilling, core-sampling and assaying; Economic classification of mineral resources: calculation of in-situ reserves from borehole data. Underground sampling and calculation of blocked reserves; Exploration: Theory and application of various methods in mineral exploration, Seismic, Gravity and Magnetic methods Principles and methods of gravity and magnetic prospecting, instrumentation, data processing, interpretation with case studies, Fundamentals of remote sensing and its application in large scale mineral exploration. Exploration for oil and natural gas. Essential Reading: 1. W. C. Peters, Exploration and Mining Geology, Wiley, 2 editions, 1987. 2. P, Kearey, M. Brooks and I. Hill, An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration, WileyBlackwell; 3rd edition, 2002. Supplementary Reading; 1. C. J. Moon, M. K. G. Whateley, A. M. Evans and W. L. Barrett, Introduction to Mineral exploration, Blackwell Publishing, 2006. 2. R. E. Sheriff and L. P. Geldart, Exploration Sysmology, Cambridge University Press; 2 edition, 1995. 3. H. L. Hartman, SME Mining Engineering Handbook, Society of Mining and Metallurgy and Exploration (US), 1992, 2394 pages. 4. R. Marjoribanks, Geological methods in Mineral exploration and Mining, Springer; 1st edition, 1997. MN 206
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction: Distributions of mineral deposits in India and other countries, mining contributions to civilization, mining terminology, stages in the life of the mine - prospecting, exploration, development, exploitation and reclamation, access to mineral deposit- selection, location, size and shape (incline, shaft and adit),brief overview of underground and surface mining methods. ; Drilling: Types of drills, drilling methods, electric, pneumatic and hydraulic drills, drill steels and bits, drilling rigs, and jumbos. ; Explosives: Classification, composition, properties and tests, fuses, detonators, blasting devices and accessories, substitutes for explosives, handling and storage, transportation of explosives. ; Rock blasting: Mechanism of rock blasting, blasting procedure, and pattern of shot holes. ; Shaft
sinking: Ordinary and special methods, problems, and precautions, shaft supports and lining. Essential Reading: 1. R. P. Pal, Rock blasting effect and operation, A. A. Balkema, 1st Ed, 2005. 2. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of mining technology, Vol. 1, Central techno, 7th ed, 2001 Supplementary Reading: 1. B. H. Gary, Blasting operations, Mc-graw Hill, 1st Ed, 1981. 2. R. P. Pal, Blasting in ground excavations and mines, Oxford and IBH, 1st Ed, 1993. 3. C. P. Chugh, Drilling technology handbook, Oxford and IBH, 1st Ed, 1977. 4. R. D. Singh, Principles and practices of modern coal mining, New age international, 1st Ed, 1997. 5. S. K. Das, Explosive and blasting practices in mines, Lovely prakashan, 1st Ed, 1993.
MN 207
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction to Geology: its scope and application to engineering problems, Physical Geology, Mineralogy - Determinative properties and occurrence of common rock forming minerals in India, Petrology - Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks; Structural Geology: Elementary knowledge of rock deformation and structural characteristics of deformed rocks, strike, dip, folds and faults, their description, classification, Joints, Unconformities/simple forms of igneous rocks, Dykes, sills, etc., Geological maps and their interpretation, Stratigraphy - Principles of Stratigraphy, Standard Stratigraphic Scale, Indian Stratigraphy; Economic minerals: their classification, origin, mode of occurrence, geographical and geological distribution, physical properties and industrial uses and distribution of major metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits of India. Origin and distribution of natural fuels - Coal, Petroleum and natural gas, nuclear fuels
Essential Reading: 1. P. K. Mukherjee, A Text Book of Geology, The World Press Pvt. Ltd., 9th Edition, 1982. 2. H. H. Read, Rutley’s Elements of Mineralogy, CBS Publishers and Distributors, 26th Edition, 1984 Supplementary Reading: 1. P. B. Marland, Structural Geology, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 3rd Edition, 1990. 2. D. E. Salisbury & W. E. Ford, A Text Book of Mineralogy, Wiley Eastern Limited, 4th Edition, 1992. 3. G.W. Tyrrel, The Principles of Petrology, B.I. Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1989. 4. G. B. Mahapatra, Text Book of Physical Geology, CBS Publishers and Distributors, 1st Edition, 1990. 5. R. Kumar, Fundamentals of Historical Geology and Stratigraphy of India, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1992.
MN 208
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction to geostatistics, Univariate description: Frequency Tables and Histograms, Normal and lognormal Probability plots, Summary of statistics, Measure of Spread, Measure of Shape; Bivariate description: Comparing of two distribution, Scatter plots, Correlation, Linear regression, Conditional Expectation; Spatial Description: Contour maps, Indicator maps, Moving window statistics, Proportional effect, Spatial continuity, h-scatter plots, correlation functions, covariance function and variograms, cross h-scatter plots; Random function, From statistics to Geostatistics, Modeling sample variograms, Regionalised variables; Global estimation: Polygonal declustering, cell declustering, comparison of declustering methods; Point estimation: Polygon, triangulation, inverse distance methods, search neighbourhoods; Kriging: Ordinary kriging, simple kriging; Block Kriging; Search strategy; crossvalidation; Variance volume relationships, change of support: Practical importance of support effects, effect of support on summery statistics, correcting for support effect, transforming from one distribution to another, affine correction, indirect lognormal correction, dispersion variance, estimating dispersion variance from a variogram model; assessing uncertainty; Multivariate geostatistics, Geostatistics for quality control, grade tonnage curve, Basics of non-parametric geostatistics, Indicator Kriging, Brief idea about geostatistical simulation, Introduction to GEOEAS/ GSLIB/SURPAC software. Essential Reading: 1. E. H. Isaaks and R. M. Srivastava, An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics, Oxford University Press, USA,1990. 2. J. M. Rendu, An Introduction to Geostatistical Methods of Mineral Evaluation (Geostatistics), South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1978. Supplementary Reading: 1. A. J. Sinclair and G. H. Blackwell, Applied Mineral Inventory Estimation, Cambridge University publication, 2002. 2. B, D. Ripley, Spatial Statistics (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics), WileyInterscience, New edition, 2004. 3. P. Goovaerts, Geostatistics for Natural Resources Evaluation, Oxford University Press, 1997. MN 232
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction: Processes of formation of coal, Theories of origin of coal, Eras of coal formation, Indian Coalfields and its subsidiaries: Occurrence and distribution, coal bearing formations, coal type and rank variation, Characteristics of major coalfields, Coal production from different sectors. ; Coal petrography: Macro and micro lithotypes, Composition of macerals, application of coal petrography, Mineral matter in coal: Origin and chemical composition, Impact of mineral matter in coal process industry ; Coal properties and their evaluation: proximate and ultimate analysis, calorific value, crossing and ignition point temperature, plastic properties(free swelling index, Caking index, Gray King Low Temperature Assay, Roga index, plastometry, dilatometry), physical properties like specific gravity, hard groove grindability index, heat of wetting, Crossing point temperature of coal, Behaviour of coal at elevated temperatures and products of thermal decomposition, Classification of coal - International and Indian classification, grading of Indian coals ; Coal Washing: Principles, objectives, coal preparation, washability characteristics ; Selection, testing, storage and utilization of coking and non-coking coal, Use of coal by different industries Essential Reading: 1. S. Sarkar, Fuels and Combustion, Orient Longman Private Ltd., 2nd edition, 1990.
2. O. P. Gupta, Elements of Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories, Khanna Publication, 3rd Edition, 1996. Supplementary Reading: 1. M. A. Elliot, Chemistry of Coal Utilization, Wiley, 1981. 2. N. Berkowitz, An Introduction to Coal Technology, Elsevier, 1993. 3. D. Chandra, R. M. Singh, and M. P. Singh, Text Book of Coal, Tara Book Agency, 2000. 4. G. G. Sarkar, An Introduction to Coal Preparation Practice, Oxford and IBH, 1986. 5. S. P. Mathur, Mine Planning for Coal, M.G. Consultants, Bilaspur, 1993. MN 271
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Prismatic Compass Surveying: (a) Bearing of the lines (b) Traversing 2. Levelling: (a) Precise Levelling (b) Profile Levelling 3. Plane Table Surveying: (a) Intersection Methods (b) Radiation Method. 4. Theodolite Traversing 5. Theodolite: (a) Horizontal angle measurement (b) Vertical angle measurement. 6. Signs and Conventions used by the GSI, MMR and CMR. 7. Triangulation Survey:(a) By 1” Theodolite (b) By Electronic Theodolite 8. Triangulation Survey (a) By EDM (b) By Total Station 9. Distance Measurement:(a) By EDM (b) By Total Station 10. Coordinate Measurement:(a) By Total Station (b) By GPS 11. Traversing and Recording Position of points by GPS 12. Special Mine Surveys – Surveys for connecting National Grid, Survey of installations of Mine Structures MN 273
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Identification of common rocks 2. Identification of common Minerals 3. Study of physical properties of minerals 4. Determination of strike and dip 5. Identification and stereographic plotting of joints. 6. Study of topographic maps 7. Drawing of geological section 8. Geological maps with folds and faults 9. Study of geophysical exploration equipment - resistivity meter 10. Study of aquameter 11. Study of magnetometer 12. Geological field trips
MN 274
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Study of jack hammer drill 2. Study of different types of wire rope & their uses 3. Study of different types of rope clips 4. Study of reliance rope capel 5. Study of different types of roof bolts
2 credits [0-0-3]
6. Study of Sylvester prop withdrawal 7. Study of different types of brakes 8. Study of different types of Clutches 9. Study of different parts & functions of an electric coal drill 10. Study of direct rope haulage 11. Study of endless rope haulage 12. Study of main & tail rope haulage
MN 301
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction: Concept of system engineering, General model selection; Data collection: Data collection methods, time study, work sampling, sample number calculation; System analytical techniques: Statistical methods, control charts – X bar chart, R chart, S chart; Mathematical methods for loading and hauling; Stochastic models: Monte Carlo simulation, Activity oriented simulation, process oriented simulation; Reliability: Concepts of reliability, concept of different distribution: Normal, exponential, Beta, Gamma, Binomial, lognormal etc.; fitting a distribution to data, reliability of series and parallel systems, reliability analysis of a combined series parallel system; Optimization and design: Heuristic technique, Dynamic programming, network flow theory, Graph theory; Programming: Linear programming, transportation and assignment problems, Mixed integer linear programming, queuing theory, network analysis, inventory control and simulation techniques. ; Analysis: Analysis of exploration and mining systems using mathematical programming, simulation techniques and network models; stochastic model simulation; Concept of Artificial Intelligence: Natural language understanding, Machine vision, robotics, expert system. Essential Reading: 1. Bernel & Krako, Introduction to System Analysis, A.A. Balkema, 2004. 2. N. Deo, System Simulation by Digital Computers, Prentice Hall of India,2005 Supplementary Reading: 1. W. Donald Boyd, System analysis and modeling, Academic Press, 2001. MN 302
4 credits [3-1-0]
Examination of Mineral properties, Mine sampling, estimation of reserves and grades, Impurities and quality control, commercial uses of minerals and ores; Mine valuation. Depreciation methods; decision trees, Mineral Industry of India, ; National Mineral Policies, conservation, taxation, trading, mining entrepreneurship, Principles of company law, shares and debentures; joint stock company and public company; partnership business, capital formation, ABC analysis and break-even analysis, budgetary control, wages and incentives, purchases, stores and inventory control, sales and despatches. Essential Reading: 1. R.T. Deshmukh, Mineral and Mine Economics, Myra Publ., Nagpur,1986 2. R.K. Sinha and N.L. Sharma, Mineral Economics, Oxford & IBH Pub., 3rd ed,1970 Supplementary Reading: 1. O.P.Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai Delhi,1993 2. R.N.P.Arogyaswamy, Courses in Mining Geology, Oxford and IBH Pub.,2nd ed,1973 3. S. Krishnaswamy, India’s Mineral Resources, Oxford & IBH pub., 2nd ed,1972 4. P. K.Jain, Financial management, Tata McGraw Hill,1981
MN 303
3 credits [3-0-0]
Mine hoist: Drum and koepe winders, constructional features, kinematics, torque and power calculation, speed control, safety contrivances, selection of mine winders, cages, skip, suspension gears, headgear structures, cage guides, pit top and pit bottom circuits and layouts; Conveyors: Belt conveyor, chain conveyor, cable belt conveyor, shaker conveyor, vibratory conveyor, constructional features and power calculations, selection and application; Aerial Ropeway: Mono-cable, bi-cable, twin-cable ropeway, constructional features and power calculations, selection and application; Scraper Haulage: Constructional features, applicability, advantages and disadvantages; Men and material transportation: Trackless vehicle loaders, shuttle cars, SDL and LHD, special men and materials transport in mines, men riding systems in mines. ; Essential Reading: 1. M. A. Ramlu, Mine hoisting, Oxford and IBH, 1st ed, 1996. 2. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of mining technology, Vol-III, Vidyasewa, 3rd ed,1989 Supplementary Reading: 1. N. T. Karlein, Mine transport, Orient Longman,1st ed, 1967 2. S. C. Walker, Mine winding and transport (Advances in mining science and technology), Elsevier Science Publishing Company,1st ed, 1988 3. N. Mukherjee, Materials handling in mines, Technology mining society IIT Kharagpur, Vol- XI,1sted,1979-80 4. B. Norman, Mechanics of bulk material handling, London Butterworths,1st ed,1971 5. M. P. Alexandrov, Material handling equipment, MIR,1st ed,1981 MN 304
4 credits [3-1-0]
Introduction to structure terminology and peripherals, algorithms, flow charts, programs, dedicated systems. ; Application in Mining: Exploration, rock topographic models, bore hole compositing, compositing, ore reserve calculation, interpolation and geostastical models. ; Open pit design: Ultimate pit design, introductory process control, underground mine design: Production scheduling; Operation Simulation: Introduction, Simulation overview, objective, understand the role of modeling, Understanding the basic concept in simulation; Example of simulation in mining aspects: Simulation of machine repair problems, Concepts of variability and prediction, Example with dumping time problem, fitting distribution with chi-square test; Random number generation: Methods of random number generation, Properties of random number, pseudorandom number; Random variates generation: Methods of random variates generation, inverse transformed method, acceptance rejection method, composition method, empirical method and rectangular approximation; Simulation languages: GPSS, SLAM; Logical flow diagram of different mining activities, Coding with GPSS and SLAM of different mining problems; Computer Control: Remote control, automatic control, application and limitations of control. Essential Reading: 1. T. C. Bartee, Digital Computer Fundamentals, Mc GRAW HILL, 4th Ed., 1984. 2. P. Malvino and D. P. Leach, Digital principles and application, McGraw-Hill, 5th Ed., 1994 Supplementary Reading: 1. R.V. Ramani, Application of computer methods in the mineral industry.
MN 305
3 credits [3-0-0]
General Principle: Mineral Beneficiation and its role in mineral exploitation. ; Comminution and Liberation : Theory and practice of crushing and grinding, performance and choice of crushers and grinding mills. Laboratory techniques, interpretation and plotting of date, Industrial screens and screening efficiency; concentration: Theory and practice of classification, classifiers- Their performance and choice, Picking and washing techniques. Theory and application of sink and float, jigging and flowing film concentration- methods and equipment used; Froth Flotation: Physico-chemical principles, flotation reagents, flotation machines and circuits, application to common sulphides, oxides and oxidized minerals. Electrostatic and Electro-magnetic Separation - Principles, operations and fields of applications. ; Flow Sheets: Simplified flow sheets for the beneficiation of beach sand, coal and typical ores of copper, lead, zinc and manganese with special reference to Indian deposits. Essential Reading: 1. A. M. Gaudin, Principles of Mineral Dressing, Tata McGraw & Hill,1939 2. R. H. Richard and C. E. Locky, A text Book on Ore Dressing, A A Balkema,2004 Supplementary Reading: 1. A. F. Taggart, Mineral Dressing Handbook,P&H,2000 2. B.A. Wills, Mineral Processing Technology, Willy & Sons,2005 3. G. C. Lowrison, Crushing & Grinding, Maxwell and MacMillan,2002 4. L. Svalovsky, Solid Liquid Separation, Tata McGraw & Hill Inc.,2003 MN 311
4 credits [3-1-0]
Introduction: Applicability and limitations, Stripping Ratio, Preliminary evaluation of surface mining projects. ; Surface Mining Methods: Development of Mineral deposits by opencast mining, design and layout of opencast mines. Methods of stripping, Bench geometry, Bench slope. Drilling, blasting, loading and transportation in opencast mines, Equipment used for different operations, Choice and their application. ; Placer Mining and Sea bed Mining: Ground sluicing, Hydraulicking and Dredging. Exploitation systems of ocean mineral resources. Relevant provisions of coal mines and metalliferous mines regulations. ; Environmental problems due to surface mining and their remedial measures, Recent developments in the deployment of heavy earth moving machineries in the surface mines. Essential Reading: 1. G. B Mishra, Surface Mining, Lovely prakashan Dhanbad, 2nd ed,2006. 2. K Raj. Singhal, Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, A. A. Balkema Rotterdam,1st ed,1995. Supplementary Reading: 1. S. K. Das, Surface Mining Technology, Lovely prakashan Dhanbad, 1st ed,1994. 2. V. V. Rzhevsky, Opencast Mining Unit operations, Mir Pub., Mascow, 1985. 3. W. Hustrulid and M. Kuchta, Open pit mine planning and Design, Vol-I, A.A. Balkema Rotterdam,1st ed,1995. 4. Rozgonyi, G Tibor, Continuous surface Mining, A.A. Balkema Rotterdam,1st ed,1988. 5. Crawford, T. John, Open pit mine planning and Design, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers,1979.
MN 313
4 credits [3-1-0]
Development of Stratified Deposits: Choice of mine size, methods of entry and primary development. ; Underground Coal Mining Methods: Classification and choice, Bord and Pillar mining, development and extraction, Long-wall mining, face mechanization, production equipment and face machinery used, viz. coal cutting machines, drills, mechanical loaders, LHDS, shuttle car etc. – their performance and choice. Special coal mining methods. ; Underground Metal Mining Methods: General Development of property level, crosscuts, raises and winzes, drifting and tunneling, U/g metalliferrous mining methods – their classification and choice. Stoping of ore bodies, supporting and development of stopes Special techniques of mining mechanization. Mining equipment and production machine used below ground. Provision of MMR 1961. ; Supports: Roadway and face supports, supports for junctions and special conditions, setting and withdrawal of supports, roof bolting, roof stitching, systematic supporting, protective of pillars. ; Stowing and Filling Methods, gathering and transportation arrangements, stowing plants and layout. Provision of CMR 1957. Essential Reading: 1. T. N. Singh, Underground winning of Coal, Oxford and IBH New Delhi,1992 2. Y. P. Chacharkar, A study of Metalliferous Mining Methods, Lovely prakshan Dhanbad,1994 Supplementary Reading: 1. I.C.F. Statham, Coal Mining Practice, Caxton eastern agencies,Calcutta,Reprint,1964 2. D.J. Deshmukh, Elements of Mining Technology, Vol - I & II ,EMDEE publishers Ranchi, Revised edition,2000 3. S. K. Das, Modern Coal Mining Technology, Lovely prakshan Dhanbad,1992 4. R. D. Singh, Principles & Practices of Modern Coal Mining, New age international New Delhi,1997 5. B. C. Arthur, SME Mining Engineers Hand Book, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers New York,1973
MN 321
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction: Structural Features of rock material and rock mass ; Physico mechanical properties: Physical and mechanical properties including swelling potential, different strength parameters and their determination, Hydraulic properties of rocks and determination; Elastic and Time dependent properties of rock: Rock Deformability and its measurement. Elastic and non-elastic behavior, influence of time on rock properties; Theories of rock failure: Rock Strength, Analysis of Stress-Strain Curve, Rock failure and different failure criteria. Effect of anisotropy on rock strength; Stress: Fundamentals of stress and strain in two and three dimension, Stress-Strain relationships, Mohr’s circle, Rock mass classification Systems and their interpretation, Rock Support and Design. Essential Reading: 1. R.E. Goodman, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1980 2. V.S. Vutukuri and K. Katsuyama, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Industrial Publishing & Consulting Inc., Tokyo, 1994 Supplementary Reading: 1. B.H.G. Brady and E.T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1992 2. J.C. Jeager and N.G.W. Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Chapman and Hall, 1979 3. L. Hartman, Mining Engineering Handbook, Society for Mining, Mettalurgy and Exploration Inc., USA, 1992
4. J.A. Hudson and J.P. Harrison, Engineering Rock Mehcanics, Pergamon Press, UK,2000
MN 322
4 credits [3-1-0]
Rock Stress: Stresses around mine openings of different cross-sections, Insitu StressDetermination of insitu rock mass properties, insitu testing methods and instrumentations. ; Design of underground workings: Pillar Design including applicability of Wilson’s approach, Safety factors; Slope Stability: Slope failure types, mechanisms and theories. ; Rock Reinforcement and Support: Mechanisms of failure in rock structures-intact and anisotropy, Rock Load and stability, Supporting and reinforcement members, Design of support and reinforcement systems; Mine Subsidence: Subsidence mechanisms and control measures, Basics of numerical methods in geomechanics and applications Essential Reading: 1. R.E. Goodman, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1980 2. V.S. Vutukuri and K. Katsuyama, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Industrial Publishing & Consulting Inc., Tokyo, 1994 Supplementary Reading: 1. B.H. G. Brady and E.T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1992 2. J.C. Jeager and N.G.W. Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Chapman and Hall, 1979 3. L. Hartman, Mining Engineering Handbook, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Inc., USA, 1992 4. E. Hoek and J. Bray, Rock Slope Engineering, 3rd Ed., Inst. Of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1980 5. J.A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK,2000
MN 323
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction: Importance of rock mechanics, rock working, judgment and approximation ; Ground Characterisation: Character of rock materials, rock mass, ground water, stress, site investigation ; Measurement, Prediction and Monitoring of Rock Behaviour: Design Methods, Strength, Deformability, viscous, thermal and swelling behaviour, Behaviour of discontinuities, monitoring ; Rock Excavation and Stabilisation: Blasting, drilling, breaking and cutting, rock reinforcement, support and lining systems, drainage and grouting Essential Reading: 1. J. A. Franklin and M.B. Dusseault, Rock Engineering, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991 2. R.E. Goodman, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1980 Supplementary Reading: 1. L. Hartman, Mining Engineering Handbook, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Inc., USA, 1992 2. V.S. Vutukuri and K. Katsuyama, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Industrial Publishing & Consulting Inc., Tokyo, 1994 3. B.H.G. Brady and E.T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1992 4. J.C. Jeager and N.G.W. Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Chapman and Hall, 1979
MN 324
4 credits [3-1-0]
Geomining conditions: Geological factors contributing to strata control problems in mines, Geomechanics classification of rocks ; Safety status: Status of safety in coal mines vis-à-vis strata control problems, Assessing the risk from the hazards of roof & side falls ; Design of support system: Design of support system for development and depillaring workings, Design of support system for long wall workings, Application of modeling techniques to strata control problems ; Strata behaviour studies: Instrumentation for evaluation of strata condition in coal mines, Strata control techniques and its application to coal mining industry, Case studies on geotechnical instrumentation and strata control in coal mines, Demonstration of geotechnical instrumentation and computer softwares ; Organization of strata control cell: strata control cell in mines, Training needs of the first line supervisors for effective implementation of the latest strata control technologies. Essential Reading: 1. M. L. Jeremic, Strata Mechanics In Coal Mining, A A Balkema, Rotterdam, Taylor and Francis, 1985, 566p 2. T., Bieniawski Ziti, Strata Control in Mineral Engineering, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1 Feb 1987. Supplementary Reading: 1. T. N. Singh, Underground winning of Coal, Oxford and IBH New Delhi,1992 2. B.H. G. Brady and E.T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1992 3. J.A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK,2000 4. Z.T. Bieniawski Engineering Rock Mass Classifications. Wiley, New York. 251, 1989. 5. S S Peng and H S Chiang, Longwall mining, Wiley; New York, 708p.
MN 325
4 credits [3-1-0]
Deformation and Strain Measuring Instruments: Convergence meters, convergence recorders, tape extensometers, bore hole deformation, gauge, multipoint borehole extensometers and bore hole camera ; Load and Pressure Measuring Instruments:Load cells, pressure measuring instruments – stress capsules, stress meters, borehole pressure,cells and flat jacks. Strain gauges and transducers, readout units, sensors, transmitters and data acquisition systems ; Testing Equipment: UTM, MTS and acoustic emission equipment. Rock bolt pull tester, Monitoring and interpretation of the data ; Applications: Mining Engineering applications: Instrumentation in underground mines and opencast mines; Civil Engineering applications; Instrumentation in Hydro electric projects and Tunnels, case studies. Essential Reading: 1. J. A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK,2000 2. M. L. Jeremic, Strata Mechanics in coal mining, A A Balkema, Rotterdam, Taylor and Francis, 1985, Supplementary Reading: 1. Z. T. Bieniawski, Strata Control in Mineral Engineering, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987. 2. B. H. G. Brady and E.T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1992 3. Z.T. Bieniawski. Engineering Rock Mass Classifications. Wiley, New York, 1989
MN 330
4 credits [3-1-0]
Composition of mine air, Mine gases: properties, origin, occurrence, physiological effects, detection, monitoring and control, Methane layering, Degasification of coal seams. Production, assessment, physiological effects and control of mine dusts ; Thermal environment and psychrometry: Sources of heat load sources in mines, Effect of heat and humidity on miners. Psychrometry, Cooling power of mine air, Methods of improving of cooling power of mine air, Air Conditioning - basic vapour cycle ; Mechanics of air flow through mine openings, Resistance of airways, Equivalent orifice, distribution of air current, control devices in ventilation systems, Natural ventilation: Calculation of NVP, Thermodynamic aspects, Artificial aids to natural ventilation ; Mechanical ventilation: Principal types of mine fans, Installation, operation, characteristics and selection of mine fans, Fan testing and Out put Control, Fan laws and fan drives, Evasees, Diffusers, Booster fans, Auxiliary ventilation. Reversal of air currents and controlled recirculation ; Ventilation Survey: Quantity and Pressure survey ; Planning and Design of Ventilation Systems: mine ventilation design criteria and ventilation design factors, ventilation standards, Ascensional, descensional, homotropal, antitropal, central and boundary ventilations systems, Ventilation layouts for coal and metal mining, Network analysis : Hardy-Cross method, Computer application in mine ventilation. Essential Reading: 1. M. J. McPherson, Subsurface Ventilation and Environmental Engineering, Chapman & Hall, 1993 2. G. B. Mishra, Mine Environment and Ventilation, Oxford University Press, Fifth Impression, 1993 Supplementary Reading: 1. H. L. Hartman, Mine Ventilation and Air Conditioning, John Wiley, Paperback edition,1989. 2. H. L. Hartman, J. M. Mutmansky, R. V. Ramani and Y. J. Wang, Mine Ventilation And Air Conditioning, Wiley-interscience, 3rd Edition, 1997 3. S. P. Banerjee, Mine Ventilation, Lovely Prakashan, 1st Edition, 2003 4. M. A. Ramlu, Mine Disaster and Mine Rescue, Oxford & IBH, 1991 MN 332
3 credits [3-0-0]
Elements of photogrammetry, Stereoscopic Vision, Photo interpretation techniques, Definition and components of remote sensing, Electromagnetic waves and radiation principles, Multiconcept remote sensing, interaction of EMW with various ground components: vegetation, water, snow, soil and minerals; Sensors and platforms, False color composite, Digital image processing: geometric and radiometric correction, image enhancement, band ratio, edge detection, filtering, principal component analysis, and image classification, Normalized difference vegetation index, Application of remote sensing in hydrology, mineral exploration, natural hazards like landslide, flood, and earthquake, Identification of surface feature, drainage pattern, structural patterns. Essential Reading: 1. T.M. Lillesand, R.W. Kiefer, J.W. Chipman, Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley and Sons, 2004. 2. R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992. Supplementary Reading:
1. S. N Pandey, Principle and Application of Photogeology, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1987. 2. R.P Gupta, Remote Sensing Geology, Springer, 2003. 3. S.A. Drury, A Guide to Remote Sensing: Interpreting Images of the Earth, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1990. 4. B.Tso, P.M Mather, Classification Methods for Remotely Sensed Data, Taylor & Francis, 2001. MN 336
3 credits [3-0-0]
Introduction: Processes of formation of coal, Theories of origin of coal, Eras of coal formation, Indian Coalfields and its subsidiaries: Occurrence and distribution, coal bearing formations, coal type and rank variation, Characteristics of major coalfields, Coal production from different sectors. ; Coal petrography: Macro and micro lithotypes, Composition of macerals, application of coal petrography, Mineral matter in coal: Origin and chemical composition, Impact of mineral matter in coal process industry ; Coal properties and their evaluation: proximate and ultimate analysis, calorific value, crossing and ignition point temperature, plastic properties(free swelling index, Caking index, Gray King Low Temperature Assay, Roga index, plastometry, dilatometry), physical properties like specific gravity, hard groove grindability index, heat of wetting, Crossing point temperature of coal, Behaviour of coal at elevated temperatures and products of thermal decomposition ; Classification of coal: International and Indian classification, grading of Indian coals ; Coal Washing: Principles, objectives, coal preparation, washability characteristics ; Selection, testing, storage and utilization of coking and non-coking coal, Use of coal by different industries ; Clean Coal Technology: Introduction, Pre-combuction, Combustion and Post combustion clean coal technology, Conversion Essential Reading: 1. S. Sarkar, Fuels and Combustion, Orient Longman Private Ltd., 2nd edition, 1990 2. O. P.Gupta, Elements of Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories, Khanna Publication, 3rd Edition, 1996 Supplementary Reading: 1. M. A. Elliot (ed.), Chemistry of Coal Utilization, Wiley, 1981 2. N. Berkowitz, An Introduction to Coal Technology, Elsevier, 1993 3. D. Chandra, R. M. Singh and M. P. Singh, Text Book of Coal, Tara Book Agency, 2000 4. G. G. Sarkar, An Introduction to Coal Preparation Practice, Oxford and IBH, 1986 5. S. P.Mathur, Mine Planning for Coal, M.G. Consultants, Bilaspur, 1993
MN 370
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Determination of Relative Humidity of Mine air with Fixed/stationary Hygrometer, and Whirling Hygrometer 2. Determination of Relative Humidity of air using Assman Psychrometer 3. Determination of cooling power of air using Kata Thermometer 4. Determination of CO% by MSA CO detector 5. Determination of percentage of CO and CO2 by Drager Multi Gas Detector (Model 21/31). 6. Determination of Methane % by MSA D-6 Methanometer. 7. Study of the construction and working of Flame Safety Lamp (VELOX GL-50, GL-60 and MSA type)
8. Gas Testing by Flame Safety Lamp in a Gas Testing Chamber 9. Measurement of Air Velocity by (i) Vane Anemometer (ii) Electric Analog Velometer 10. Study of Pitot Static Tube & measuring of Air Velocity in a ventilation duct in combination with an Inclined Manometer. 11. Measurement of dust concentration by (i) Gravimetric Dust Sampler, (II). Personal Dust Sampler 12. Measurement of dust concentration by High Volume Sampler 13. Measurement of Noise Level by Integrating Sound Level Meter ( CEL-283) MN 371
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Preparation of Rock Specimens for various testing purposes 2. Study of Compressive Testing Machine 3. Determination of Protodyakonov Strength Index 4. Determination of Impact Strength Index 5. Determination of the Uni-axial Compressive Strength of rock materials 6. To Determine the Tensile Strength of a rock specimen by an Indirect Method (Brazilian Test) 7. Determination of Point Load Strength Index 8. Determination of Shear Strength by Direct Shear Test 9. Determination of Modulus of Elasticity and Poission’s ratio of rock samples 10. Determination of Slake Durability Index of rock samples 11. Determination of Slake Durability Index of coal samples 12. Determination of Permeability of rock 13. Determination of C – φ by using Tri-axial Cell Unit 14. Determination of Index Parameter using Schmidth Hammer MN 372
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Ore body modeling using SURPAC 2. Application of SURPAC for mine scheduling 3. Study of stress distribution around single opening using FLAC –2D 4. Study of stress distribution around single opening using FLAC –3D 5. Study of stress distribution around single opening using UDEC 6. Study of stress distribution around circular opening 7. Stress distribution around rectangular opening 8. Study of stress distribution around multiple openings 9. Study of deformation around circular opening 10. Study of deformation around single opening using FLAC –2D 11. Study of deformation around single opening using UDEC 12. Study of deformation around multiple openings
MN 373
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Particle size analysis of different rocks and minerals. 2. Study of Jaw Crusher 3. Determination of Actual Capacity and Reduction Ratio of jaw crusher 4. Verification of Rettinger’s Law using jaw crusher,.
5. Study of Hammer Mill 6. Determination of Actual Capacity and Reduction Ratio of Hammer Mill 7. Verification of Kick’s’ Law using Hammer Mill 8. Study of the effect of Ball Load and time on Grinding using Ball Mill 9. Study of Vibrating Screen and Determination of its Effectiveness. 10. Study of Magnetic Separator and Determination of its Efficiency 11. Study of Baum Jig and Determination of its Efficiency.
MN 374
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Study of Universal Testing Machine 2. Evaluation of ground vibration using Blastmate 3. Determination of Explosive Strength by V.O.D.Monitor 4. Determination of rock hardness by Hardness Tester 5. Determination of Rock In-situ Stress by Flat Jack Unit 6. Determination of the relation between the moisture content and the dry density of the loose rock materials using light compaction 7. Study of Bore hole stress meter 8. To study the Permeability characteristics of coal specimens 9. Determination of crushing strength of rock, slag, aggregate gravel by using LOS Abrasion Testing Machine 10. Determination of Aggregate impact value of rock/ concrete by using Aggregate Impact Test Apparatus 11. Determination of Impact Strength with Pendulum Impact Tester 12. Introduction to a few numerical modeling software’s etc. MN 375
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Study of bi-cable aerial rope-way 2. Study of headgear and pulleys 3. Study of cage & skip 4. Study of different types of keps 5. Study of scraper chain conveyor 6. Study of belt conveyor 7. Study of gate end box 8. Study of king detaching safety hook 9. Study of mechanism of shaft sinking 10. Study of winding shaft 11. Study of safety devices in haulage 12. Study of cage attachment to winding rope
MN 376
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Preparation of surface mining models 2. Preparation of underground coal mining models 3. Preparation of underground metal mining models 4. Preparation of underground mine ventilation models 5. Preparation of underground transport models 6. Preparation of underground excavation models 7. Preparation of underground man riding models
2 credits [0-0-3]
8. Preparation of underground support models 9. Preparation of opencast bench models 10. Preparation of reclamation models 11. Preparation of models on blasting in opencast mines 12. Preparation of models on blasting in underground mines MN 377
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Determination of Moisture Content of Coal 2. Determination of volatile matter content of coal sample 3. Determination of ash content of coal sample 4. Determination of the bulk density of coal sample 5. Determination of the true density of supplied coal sample. 6. Determination of caking index of coal 7. Determination of free swelling index of coal. 8. Determination of washability characteristics of coal sample by float and sink analysis 9. Determination of calorific value of coal using bomb calorimeter 10. Determination of Hardgroove Grindability index of coal 11. Determination of Crossing point temperature of coal 12. Determination of Critical Air Blast value coal MN 400
4 credits [3-1-0]
Principles of Mine Planning: Mining industry in comparison to other industries, Planning for mineral policy, Plans to be maintained in the mineral industry, Stages of planning of new mines, requirements of planning, Master Plan, Feasibility Report, Detailed project report ; Technical considerations in Planning: Selection of method of mining, opening up of open cast mines and underground mines, development of open cast mines and underground mines, Division of mine lease area into mining Units, location of entries, Surface layouts , pit bottom layout,Ventilation planning ; Planning of mine workings and systems: infrastructure planning, production planning, Mineral handling plant, optimal planning, Planning of special methods of Coal and metal mines, Placer Mining, Sea bed Mining. ; Socio-Economic considerations: Social aspects, Environment Management Plan, estimation of mining costs and profits, Restructuring planning, Issues and challenges of Mine planning in the future, Mine Closure plan. Essential Reading: 1. S. P. Mathur, Mine Planning for Coal, M.G. Consultants, Bilaspur, 1993 2. J. Bhattacharya, Principles of Mine Planning, Allied Publishers Pvt Limited, New Delhi, 2003 Supplementary Reading: 1. W. Hustrulid and M. Kuchta, Open Pit Mine Planning and Design, A.A.Balkema Rotterdam, 1995 2. B. M. Vorobjev and R.T. Desmukh, Advanced Coal Mining Vol-II, Asia Publishing house London,revised edition,1966 3. PWJ Van Rensbarg, Planning Open-pit mines, AA Balkema Cape Town, 1970 4. A.A. Myasnikov, Principle of Coal Mine Ventilation Planning, N.T.I.S. ,1981. 5. R D Singh, Principles and Practices of Modern Coal Mining, New age International Pvt limited Publishers, New Delhi, 1998
MN 410
4 credits [3-1-0]
Design of tunnels: Rock mass classification, stability analysis of tunnels, elastic and plastic deformation; Ground control: stress conditions, behavior of ground, Geomechanics instrumentation, design of supports ; Equipments, Tunnel Boring Machines, ventilation, tunnel economics. Essential Reading: 1. Richard E Bullock, Tunneling and Underground Construction Techniques, SME Publication, 2002 2. Stack Barbara, Hand book of Mining & Tunneling Machinery, John Wiley and Sons. Supplementary Reading: 1. R. V. Proctor, Rock Tunneling with Steel Supports 2. F. O. Franciss, Weak rock tunneling, Taylor and Francis, 1994 3. J. Johansen, Modern trends in tunneling and blast design, Taylor and Francis, 2000 4. F. D. Davidson, Tunneling and Transport, Elsevier APPLIED Science, 1987 5. Bieniawski Z.T, Rock Mechanics Design in Mining & Tunneling 6. Edi Bickel J. O., T. R. Kuesel & E. H. King, Tunnel Engineering Handbook
MN 411
4 credits [3-1-0]
Introduction, Indian context of advance surface mines, Advancement in mine unit operation. ; Planning of surface mines viz, Procedural steps of planning, Ore body description, Mining Systems, Ultimate pit configuration. Design of surface mines, Feasibility Report & Detailed Project Report, Modern surface mining equipments. ; Legislations related to surface mining, Mine Closure Planning. Essential Reading: 1. R. T. Desmukh, Opencast Mining, Lovely prakashan Dhanbad, 1st ed, 1990. 2. S. K. Das, Surface Mining Technology, Lovely prakashan Dhanbad, 1st ed, 1994. Supplementary Reading: 1. G. B. Mishra, Surface Mining, Lovely Prakashan Dhanbad, 1st ed, 1971. 2. E. Hoek and J. Bray, Rock Slope Engineering, 3rd Ed., Inst. Of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1980 3. W. Hustrulid and M. Kuchta, Open pit mine planning and Design, Vol - I, A. A. Balkema Rotterdam, 1st ed,1995. 4. B. Cummins Arthur, SME Mining Engineers Hand Book, American Institute of Mining,Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers New York,1973
MN 412
4 credits [3-1-0]
Exploration: Modern Exploration Techniques to Identify the Complex Coal Deposits ; Classification: Classification of Coal Deposits Lying under Typical Geo-mining Conditions ; Challenges: Challenges to improve Production and Productivity from Deep Seated Deposits, Challenges in Liquidation of Locked-up Pillars ; Experimental trials: Innovative Technologies for Stability Analysis, Design and Development of Deep Seated Deposits ; Modern techniques: Application of Numerical Modeling Techniques to Control Ground Problems of Complex Deposits, Use of Modern Instruments for Strata Control of deep seated deposits, In-situ Gasification and Mineral Biotechnology for Complex Coal Deposits. Essential Reading:
1. R. D. Singh, Principles & Practices of Modern Coal Mining, New age international New Delhi,1997 2. T. N. Singh, Underground winning of Coal, Oxford and IBH New Delhi,1992 Supplementary Reading: 1. S. S. Peng and H S Chiang, Longwall mining, Wiley; New York, 708p. 2. S. K. Das, Modern Coal Mining Technology, Lovely prakashan Dhanbad,1992 3. D. Prasad and S Rakesh, Legislation in Indian Mines-A critical Appraisal, Niskam Press, New Delhi, 1883p. 4. S. P. Mathur, Coal Mining in India, M.S. Enterprises Bilaspur,1999 MN 413
4 credits [3-1-0]
Extraction of thick seams: Problems and issues, recent experimental trials Chirimiri caving Method, Blasting Gallery Method, Integral Caving method, Sublevel caving method, Hydraulic Mining, Shield Mining ; Extraction underneath surface features: Non-Effective width (NEW) , Back filling methods, Wide stall mining. ; Extraction of multiple seams: Problems and issues, recent experimental trials, Parting failures and control, design of workings ; Extraction of locked up pillars: Status of Bord and pillar mining in India, techniques of extraction and future requirements ; Support systems: Strata behavior at greater depths, problems of strata control in high horizontal stress fields, design of support system. Essential Reading: 3. R. D. Singh, Principles & Practices of Modern Coal Mining, New age international New Delhi,1997 4. T. N. Singh, Underground winning of Coal, Oxford and IBH New Delhi,1992 Supplementary Reading: 1. D. J. Deshmukh, Elements of Mining Technology, Vol - I, EMDEE publishers Ranchi, Revised edition, 2000. 2. S. K. Das, Modern Coal Mining Technology, Lovely prakashan Dhanbad,1992 3. S. P. Mathur, Coal Mining in India, M.S. Enterprises Bilaspur,1999
MN 414
3 credits [3-0-0]
Classification of Rock for specific engineering purposes- Underground, Surface, etc. Mechanical properties of discontinues rocks – Planes of discontinuity in rocks, characteristics and orientation of Joints; Measurement of rock mass deformability- Insitu Testing; Applications - Opencast mining and slope stability, Underground mining and excavation, - massive rocks, layered rocks, weak rocks; Application to waste disposal and underground storage, application to earthquakes. Essential Reading: 1. J. A. Franklin and M.B. Dusseault, Rock Engineering, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991 2. R.E. Goodman, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1980 Supplementary Reading: 1. L. Hartman et al, Mining Engineering Handbook, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Inc., USA, 1992 2. V. S. Vutukuri and K. Katsuyama, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Industrial Publishing & Consulting Inc., Tokyo, 1994
3. B. H. G. Brady and E. T. Brown, Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1992 4. J. C. Jeager and N.G.W. Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Chapman and Hall, 1979 5. E. Hoek and J. Bray, Rock Slope Engineering, 3rd Ed., Inst. Of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 1980 6. J. A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK,2000 7. J. A. Franklin and M.B. Dusseault, Rock Engineering Applications, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991 MN 415
4 credits [3-1-0]
Methods: Techno-economic analysis on choice of stoping methods, high productivity methods: blasthole stoping, vertical retreat method of mining, block caving, raise stoping, underground bench blasting, stope design and production planning in the various methods of stopping ; Special underground excavations: shaft pockets, ore bins, ore transfer, ramp, decline, step mining methods, stope fills: preparation, transportation and filling operation, stope design and production planning, methods of pillar extraction, solution mining: in situ leaching, underground retorting, under-sea mining, introduction to novel mining methods, Special underground excavation and system of supports ; Pillar extraction: methods of pillar extraction, salt, potash and sulphur mining- their special problems. Essential Reading: 1. Y. P. Chacharkar, A study of Metalliferous Mining Methods, Lovely prakshan Dhanbad,1994 2. K. S. Stout, Mining Methods and Equipment, McGraw hill New York,1980 Supplementary Reading: 1. B. C.Arthur, SME Mining Engineers Hand Book, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers New York, 1973. 2. D.J. Deshmukh, Elements of Mining Technology, Vol - II ,Central Techno Publications, Nagpur, 2001 3. Metal Mines Regulations-1961, Lovely Prakashan
MN 421
4 credits [3-1-0]
Types and Mechanics of Slope Failure: Site investigation for slope assessment. Geological appraisal of slope behaviour, Types of slope failure, falls, slides and flows. Mechanics of slope failure ; Factors Affecting Slope Stability: Geological factors, slope geometry, ground water, equipment loading, dynamic loading and effect of time ; Slope Stability Analysis: Failure mechanisms, shear strength of soil and rock masses. Influence of groundwater. Evaluation of stability and risk. Earth dams, stability analysis, numerical models, empirical models ; slope Mass Rating System, Slope instrumentation. Remedial measures ; Design of Waste Dumps and Tailings Dams: stability analysis of opencast high walls and benches, overburden dumps, case studies. Essential Reading: 1. R. N. Chowdury, Slope Analysis, elseveir, 1978 2. E. Hoek and J. Bray, Rock Slope Engineering, The Inst. of Mining & Metallurgy, London, pp. 358, 1981 Supplementary Reading: 1. B. F. Walker and R. Fell, Soil slope instability and stabilisation, A A Balkema, 1987
2. E. N. Bromhead, Stability of slopes, Wiley, London 3. M. L. Jeremic, Strata Mechanics In Coal Mining, A A Balkema, Rotterdam, Taylor and Francis, 1985, 566p 4. J. A. Hudson, Comprehensive Rock Engineering, Pergamon Press, UK,2000 5. Z.T. Bieniawski, Engineering Rock Mass Classifications. Wiley, New York, 1989. MN 431
4 credits [3-1-0]
Spontaneous Heating and Mine Fires: Spontaneous Heating : Causes, incubation period, detection, remedial measures.Mine Fires -Classification, causes, preventive measures, dealing with mine fires – direct and indirect methods, reopening of scaled off areas. ; Explosion: Fire-damp Explosion - Limits of inflammability of methane, causes of ignition, nature of fire damp explosion, propagation and prevention. Coal-dust Explosion - Index of inflammability, factors affecting explosibility of coal dust, causes and safeguards. Propagation of coal dust explosions, Investigation after an explosion. ; Mine Illumination: Its effects on safety, efficiency and health, Flame and electric safety lamps- their uses and lamp-room – lay out and organization, standards of illumination in mines, lighting from the mains, photometric illumination survey, Miners’ diseases Essential Reading: 1. M. A. Ramlu, Mine Disaster and Mine Rescue, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 1991 2. Rakesh and Lele, Water Problem in Mines, Mrs. Ashalata, Varanasi, 2003 Supplementary Reading: 1. A.T. Donalad, The lighting of Underground Mines,Trans Tech Switzerland,1982 2. R. Mcadam and D. Davidson, Mine Rescue Work, Oliver and Boyd, London, 2000 MN 433
3 credits [3-0-0]
INTRODUCTION: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) – Environmental Impact Statement – EIA in Project Cycle – Legal and Regulatory aspects in India according to Ministry of Environment and Forests – Types and limitations of EIA – Cross sectoral issues and terms of reference in EIA –Participation of Public and Non-Governmental Organizations in environmental decision making ; COMPONENTS AND METHODS: Components of EIA Processes – screening – scoping - setting – analysis – mitigation. Matrices – Networks – Checklists – Connections and combinations of processes - Cost benefit analysis – Analysis of alternatives – Software packages for EIA – Expert systems in EIA ; PREDICTION, ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTS AND REPORTING: Prediction tools for EIA – Mathematical modeling for impact prediction – Assessment of impacts – air – water – soil – noise – biological – socio-cultural environments – Cumulative Impact Assessment – Documentation of EIA findings – planning – organization of information and visual display materials – Report preparation ; ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN : Environmental Management Plan - preparation, implementation and review – Mitigation and Rehabilitation Plans – Policy and guidelines for planning and monitoring programmes – Post project audit – Ethical and Quality aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment ; CASE STUDIES: Case studies related to the following sectors - Infrastructure - Mining – Industrial - Thermal Power - River valley and Hydroelectric - Nuclear Power. Essential Reading : 1. D. P. Lawrence, Environmental Impact Assessment – Practical Solutions to recurrent Problems, Wiley-Interscience, New Jersey. 2003 2. J. Petts, Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment, Vol., I and II, Blackwell Science London. 1999.
Supplementary Reading: 1. L. W. Canter, Environmental Impact Assessment, McGraw-Hill, New York. 1996 2. A. K. Biswas, and S. B. C. Agarwala, Environmental Impact Assessment for Developing Countries, Butterworth Heinemann, London. 1994 3. The World Bank Group, Environmental Assessment Source Book Vol. I, II and III. The World Bank, Washington. 1991. MN 435
3 credits [3-0-0]
Overview: Basic concept of eco-friendly mining. Selection of eco-friendly equipment and exploitation operations, Environmental Parameters: Water quality – physical, chemical, biological, criteria and standards. Classification and chemistry of major air pollutants. Soil chemistry – nature and importance of soil, soil properties, soil amendments, Waste Management: Waste water management – sources characteristics, techniques of treatment. Acid mine drainage – occurrence, effects and treatment techniques. Solid waste management for mine spoils, Mine Reclamation & Mine Closure: Mine Reclamation strategies, Principles, planning, financial provisions, implementation, standards for closure criteria, systems approach for mine closure and development of closure plan, Socioeconomic Aspects of Mining. Essential Reading : 1. H. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe and G. Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.; 7th Rev Ed edition, 2000. 2. C. J. Barrow, Environmental Management: Principles and Practice (Routledge Environmental Management Series) Routledge, 1st edition, 1999. Supplementary Reading : 1. I. P. G. Hutchison, and R. D.Ellison, Mine Waste Management, CRC Press, 1st edition,1992 2. G. Burke, B.R. Singh and L. Theodore, Handbook of Environmental Management and Technology, Wiley-Interscience, 2nd edition, 2000. 3. N.C Saxena, Mining Environment Management Manual, Scientific Publishers (India), 2004 4. M. J. Hammer, Water and Wastewater Technology, Prentice Hall, 6th edition, 2007. MN 436
4 credits [3-1-0]
General: Environmental issues in Mineral Industry- National and Global, Environmental impacts of Mineral exploitation - in underground and opencast mining. ; Land Environment: Subsidence, visual impacts, landscape pollution, land degradation, land reclamation, land use, landscape planning, ecology. ; Societal Development: Socio-economic impacts, sustainable development, concept of carrying capacity based planning; Pollution: Water Availability, quality, pollution and treatment, Liquid effluents: Quality, treatment and disposal. Solid Wastes - Generation, treatment and disposal, hazardous waste management and planning. Tailings disposal & treatment systems. Air: Pollution, monitoring and Control. Noise and Ground vibration - Causes, precautions, prevention and reduction. ; Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Environmental Impact Statement (Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Legislation in India. Environmental Audit of Mining EIS) projects. Essential Reading: 1. Chaudhuri and B. D. Nag, Introduction to Environmental Management, Interprint New Delhi, 1983.
2. T. N. Khashoo, Perspectives in Environmental management, Oxford and IBH New Delhi, 1987. Supplementary Reading: 1. B. B. Dhar and D. N. Thakur, Proceedings of the first World Mining Environment Congress, Taylor and Francis, 1996. 2. R. C. Gupta, Proceeding of the International Conference on Environmental Management in Metallurgical industries (EMMI-2000). 3. R. G. A. Boland, Environmental Management training, Sterling publishers New Delhi, 1986. MN 438
3 credits [3-0-0]
Classification & characterization of waste, collection, Handling of Industrial (Mining, Thermal, Chemical, Radioactive, Biomedical, etc.) and Domestic Waste, Utilisation of wastes, ; Federal and State regulations on Waste Management, Recycling, Recovery and Reuse of Wastes, Optimisation of waste Disposal System. ; Global Scenario in Waste Management. Essential Reading: 1. M. L. Davis and W. A. Eornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, McGrow Hill Publishing Co, NY 2. G. N. Pandey & G. C. Carney, Environmental Engineering, 1st edn. Tata McGrawHill, New Delhi, India Supplementary Reading: 1. Hazarding waste Rules, 1989 2. James H. Saling, W Andson, Y.S Fertiman, Radioactive Waste Management, Tayler & Francis Group 2nd edition
MN 441
4 credits [3-1-0]
Mine Legislation: General principles of Mining Law, Principal Provisions of Mines Act, Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act, Mineral Concession Rules, Mines Rules 1955, Electricity Rules, Industrial Disputes Act. 1947, Mine Rescue Rules. ; Mine Safety : Accidents- Their causes and prevention, accident statistics, rates of accidents, relation between accidents and efficiency, accident reports, cost of accidents. ; Safety risk assessment and management, Safety Audit, Occupational health and safety in mines. Mine safety management systems, Safety education and training. Essential Reading: 1. B. K. Kejriwal, Safety in Mines, Lovely Prakshan Dhanbad, 2002 2. Rakesh and S. D. Prasad, Legislation in Indian Mines: A critical appraisal, Vol- I & II, Mrs Asha Lata Varnasi,5th ed,1990 Supplementary Reading: 1. V. K. Malhotra, Mineral Concession Rules-1960, Malhotra Bros.,Patna, Supplementary Ed., 1993 2. A. K. Ghosh, S. K. Ray and A. K. Patra, Proceeding of the National Seminar on Policies, Statutes & Legislation in Mines, CIMFR, Dhanbad, India, 2008 3. R. S. Rao, Law of Mines and Minerals, S. N. Hussainy (Revised), Asia Law House, 8th Eds, 1996.
MN 442
4 credits [3-1-0]
Mine Fires: Survey of various causes of mine fires with statistical data of Indian mines. Physical and chemical factors governing proneness to fire in coal and metaliferrous mines. Various methods adopted to combat fires and their advantages and disadvantages. Advances in fire fighting techniques and equipments, rescue operations in fire-zones.; Spontaneous Heating: Various causes of spontaneous heating and statistical data in Indian mines, Theories of spontaneous heating of coal, Factors governing spontaneous heating. Intrinsic and extrinsic properties of various substances e.g.-porosity, permeability, pore distribution Moisture etc. Sulphide determination; Laboratory investigations and liability indices to measure relative proneness of spontaneous heating; Different methods to seal off fire areas; Reopening of sealed off fire areas; Early detection of spontaneous heating in mines and stacks, recent trends to eliminate recurrence of spontaneous heating. Essential Reading: 1. S.C. Banerjee, Coal and Mine Fire, Oxford and IBH, 2004 2. M.A. Ramlu, Mine Disasters and Mine Rescue, Oxford and IBH, 2002 Supplementary Reading: 1. L.C. Kaku, Fires in Coal Mines, Oriental Publishers, 2nd Edition, 1985 MN 443
3 credits [3-0-0]
Safety concepts, Functions and role of safety, Fundamentals of loss control, Safety costs Direct and indirect costs of accidents, Influence of environment on safety (noise, lighting, temperature, humidity). System Engineering Approach to Safety, Causes of Accidents, Accident Analysis and Control, Techniques used in Safety analysis ; Safety Management and Organization, Safety Committee, Role of supervisors, Policy, Operator error, qualitative error predictions, accountability - Fault tree analysis, Operating hazards analysis, Risk assessment, Safety analysis programme, Training, Human Behavioral Approach in Safety. ; Law of safety progress, Regulatory agencies and statute laws Statute law vs Common law, occupational safety and health agency. Essential Reading: 1. R. A. Stephans, System safety for the 21st century. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience, 2004 2. N. J. Bahr, System Safety engineering and risk assessment: A practical approach, Taylor and Francis, 1997 Supplementary Reading: 1. A. Kuhlmann, Introduction to Safety Science, Springer Verlag, 1981 2. Ridley, John & Channing, John, Safety at Works, Oxford, 1999 3. Re Velle, B. Jack, Safety Training Methods. John Wiley, 1980 4. H. E. Roland and B. Moriarty, System Safety engineering and management, Wiley Interscience., 1990. MN 471
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Study of MSA type Gas mask (Model: “SW”, Air purifying filter). 2. Study of MSA type Self Rescuer (Model: IW-65).
2 credits [0-0-3]
3. Study of Oxygen Self Contained Breathing Apparatus i. By Drager BG-174, ii. By Travox-120 4. Study of Drager Pulmotor (Model: PT-60). 5. Study of Portable Fire Extinguishers 6. Study the construction and working of Explosion Proof Fire Stoppings. 7. Determination of susceptibility of coal by chemical method or by puff temperature method. 8. Study of stone dust barrier 9. Determination of flammability temperature of coal by using inflammability index apparatus 10. Study of layout of a self service type Lamp-room. 11. Measurement of Noise Level by Integrated Sound Level Meter (Model: CEL-283EX) 12. Measurement of Lux by Light Meter MN 472
2 credits [0-0-3]
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Preparation of data base for mine evaluation 2. Create a geological data base and import all data files 3. Performing data compositing and statistical analysis 4. Create digital terrain model and surface contouring 5. Create section and digitization of individual sections 6. Create solid model using sections 7. Perform volume and area calculation of solid model, Union and intersection of different sections 8. Create block model; estimation of block models using inverse distance and polygonal method 9. Performing variogram analysis, fitting variogram, checking anisotropy 10. Intersection of block model and solid model; resource evaluation using ordinary kriging technique 11. Blast design using SURPAC software 12. Mine design using SURPAC software 13. Ultimate pit limit calculation 14. Determination of Grade tonnage curve and study the conditional biased in estimation MN 473
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: 1. Simulation of underground openings-2D continuum models 2. Simulation of underground openings-3D continuum models 3. Simulation of underground openings- discontinuum models 4. Study of stability of underground opening – Mohr-Coulomb model 5. Study of stability of underground opening – Hoek-Brown model 6. Simulation of opencast workings 7. Study of stability of slopes – 2D continuum models 8. Study of stability of slopes – 3D continuum models 9. Study of stability of slopes – 2D discontinuum models 10. Design of supports for underground openings 11. Simulation of thick seam workings 12. Simulation of multiple seam work
2 credits [0-0-3]
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