Elementary Steps To Understanding Pdf Free

Hill series, Steps to Understanding, is a development from the highly successful approach used in Stories for Reproduction. The all new stories are accompanied by a variety of exercises, as before but in this series, there is a greater emphasis on comprehension work.

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  • The Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment test is designed for prospective teachers of students in the elementary grades. Examinees typically have completed a bachelor’s degree program in elementary/middle school education or have prepared themselves through some alternative certification program.
  • Shuoxing Jiang
  • Fan Hong
  • Huiyu Hu
  • Hao Yan
  • Yan Liu
Elementary steps to understanding pdf free online
Center for Molecular Design and Biomimetics at the Biodesign Institute, and School of Molecular Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287, United States
*E-mail: [email protected].
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Although many models have been developed to guide the design and implementation of DNA tile-based self-assembly systems with increasing complexity, the fundamental assumptions of the models have not been thoroughly tested. To expand the quantitative understanding of DNA tile-based self-assembly and to test the fundamental assumptions of self-assembly models, we investigated DNA tile attachment to preformed “multi-tile” arrays in real time and obtained the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of single tile attachment in various sticky end association scenarios. With more sticky ends, tile attachment becomes more thermostable with an approximately linear decrease in the free energy change (more negative). The total binding free energy of sticky ends is partially compromised by a sequence-independent energy penalty when tile attachment forms a constrained configuration: “loop”. The minimal loop is a 2 × 2 tetramer (Loop4). The energy penalty of loops of 4, 6, and 8 tiles was analyzed with the independent loop model assuming no interloop tension, which is generalizable to arbitrary tile configurations. More sticky ends also contribute to a faster on-rate under isothermal conditions when nucleation is the rate-limiting step. Incorrect sticky end contributes to neither the thermostability nor the kinetics. The thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of DNA tile attachment elucidated here will contribute to the future improvement and optimization of tile assembly modeling, precise control of experimental conditions, and structural design for error-free self-assembly.


This article is cited by 4 publications.

  1. Ashok Kumar Nayak, Sakti Kanta Rath, Umakanta Subudhi. Preparation of Stable Branched DNA Nanostructures: Process of Cooperative Self-Assembly. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B2019,123 (17) , 3591-3597. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b00353.
  2. Yang Xu, Shuoxing Jiang, Chad R. Simmons, Raghu Pradeep Narayanan, Fei Zhang, Ann-Marie Aziz, Hao Yan, Nicholas Stephanopoulos. Tunable Nanoscale Cages from Self-Assembling DNA and Protein Building Blocks. ACS Nano2019,13 (3) , 3545-3554. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b09798.
  3. Martin Sajfutdinow, William M. Jacobs, Aleks Reinhardt, Christoph Schneider, David M. Smith. Direct observation and rational design of nucleation behavior in addressable self-assembly. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2018,115 (26) , E5877-E5886. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1806010115.
  4. Aijun Zhu, Chunxia Zhao, Duanyong Chen, Chuanpei Xu, Cong Hu, Junhao Niu, . Effect Comparison of Rotated Tiles and Symmetrical Tiles on Binary Counter in DNA Self-Assembly. MATEC Web of Conferences2018,238, 05008. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201823805008.
ReUploaded by arcadius 17.11.2016
This new L.A. Hill series, Steps to Understanding, is a development from the highly successful approach used in Stories for Reproduction. The all new stories are accompanied by a variety of exercises, as before; but in this series, there is a greater emphasis on comprehension work. There are true/false questions, to be used as a quick check on understanding, as well as 'thinking questions that require the student to work more creatively.
Elementary Steps To Understanding
L.A. Hill, 'Elementary Steps To Understanding'

Intermediate Steps To Understanding

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Steps To Understanding Pdf