C Search Text In Pdf File

  • I want to Extract particular Text from PDF File and Store it in a String Variable. And later will use it in Forms. For eg: i want extract the name in the PDF only is there any method to Get Text from PDF.
  • May 11, 2015  Re: Search a text inside a PDF file - C# or Javascript language. Test Screen Name May 11, 2015 4:19 AM ( in response to Saikat Malakar ) 1.
  • Search PDF files for account numbers and generate spreadsheet-ready report showing document names and page numbers where text is found. Search PDF files for a set of pre-defined keywords. Add keyword(s) to the document metadata.
The AutoBatch plug-in provides functionality for searching multiple PDF files for occurrences of one or more user-specified keywords, phrases or text patterns. Optionally, software can copy files into folders and/or apply custom document processing based on text search results. C Search Text In Pdf File
This functionality can be used for:
  • PDF document searching and reporting
  • Copying PDF files into multiple folders based on presence of specific text or pattern
  • Applying custom document processing based on search results
Use Cases
Here are few examples on how the software can be used:

I am working for text search and extraction from pdf using third party dll itextsharp. I am getting the text on searching but not only that text, the whole text of that page. I thought to use phrases or chunks so that I can get pre-and post of that text only along with it instead of whole page text. Finding text in a PDF file. You can search a PDF file for a word or any set of characters.

  • Search PDF files for account numbers and generate spreadsheet-ready report showing document names and page numbers where text is found.
  • Search PDF files for a set of pre-defined keywords. Add keyword(s) to the document metadata.
  • Search PDF files for a set of pre-defined keywords and insert a different cover page depending on search results.
  • Search PDF files for a set of keywords such as 'Invoice', 'Purchase Order', 'Monthly Statement' and etc., copy files into corresponding folder if a match is found. Use 'Copy' functionality to organize files into folder.
Text Search
Search operation supports regular expression syntax for finding text patterns. Regular expressions can be used to search for social security numbers, account numbers, product SKUs, email addresses, phone numbers and other common text patterns that typically occur in business documents. The search is composed from one or more search 'rules'. Each search 'rule' specifies a text to search for and optional parameters such as Acrobat JavaScript processing code or destination folder where to copy files with matching text.
Report Files
Report files are generated listing page numbers and file names for each text match. Report files are generated in two formats: plain text report and CSV (comma separated values).
Example of the plain text report: Search
AutoBatch Text Search Report
Processing date and time: Sunday, August 30, 2015 07:08:20
Software build date: Aug 30 2015, Adobe Acrobat version: 15.1536
Search text: Account d+, Number of matches: 6
File: C:DataAAccounts.pdf, Page: 1, Text found: Account 3791030334
File: C:DataAAccounts.pdf, Page: 2, Text found: Account 992344112
File: C:DataAAccounts.pdf, Page: 3, Text found: Account 9821112008
File: C:DataAAccounts.pdf, Page: 4, Text found: Account 943734112333
File: C:DataAAccounts.pdf, Page: 5, Text found: Account 48384112001
File: C:DataAAccounts.pdf, Page: 6, Text found: Account 8892237701
Example of CSV file (it can be opened directly by most spreadsheet applications including Microsoft Excel):
C:DataAAccounts.pdf,1,Account 3791030334
C:DataAAccounts.pdf,2,Account 992344112
C:DataAAccounts.pdf,3,Account 9821112008
C:DataAAccounts.pdf,4,Account 943734112333
C:DataAAccounts.pdf,5,Account 48384112001
C:DataAAccounts.pdf,6,Account 8892237701
Custom Document Processing
Custom Acrobat JavaScript code can be executed on PDF documents where a text match is found. Acrobat JavaScript is a powerful scripting language used by Adobe Acrobat. Use it to customize document metadata, insert or delete pages, add watermarks, footers, headers or annotations. The plug-in allows processing PDF documents differently, based on presence of specific text or pattern.
Copying Files Based on Search

Find Text In Pdf File

Optionally, PDF files can be distributed into folders based on search results. Files can be renamed by inserting text before and/or after original file name. For example, copy files that contain word 'Invoice' into 'Invoices' folder and 'Account Statement' into 'Statements' folder.

C Search Text In Pdf File Download

Action Wizard Batch Processing

C Search Text In Pdf Files Using Java

The plug-in adds PDF document search and copy functionality as a batch command to Acrobat's Action Wizard. Action Wizard is a batch processing tool (part of Acrobat Professional) that is used to apply sequences of operations to one or more PDF files without user interaction.