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<p>To access legislative texts, consult the e-Laws site at :</p><p>Pour accder aux textes lgislatifs, consultez le site Lois-en-ligne ladresse :</p><p>Bilingual Lexicon of Legislative Terms (updated to June 30, 2006)Office of Legislative Counsel</p><p>Lexique bilingue de termes lgislatifs ( jour au 30 juin 2006)Bureau des conseillers lgislatifs</p><p>ISBN: 0-7778-9665-6 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2006</p><p>ISBN: 0-7778-9665-6 Imprimeur de la Reine pour l'Ontario, 2006</p><p>USER'S GUIDEEntries in the English-French Lexicon are listed in alphabetical order. Multiword entries are arranged in the alphabetic sequence of each successive word in the entry and compound words are considered to be single words; for example, 'absolute transfer' is listed before 'absolutely' and 'ice shelter' is listed before 'ice-breaking'. For the user's convenience, some multiword entries are listed more than once; for example, 'in abeyance' can be found alphabetically under 'abeyance, in' as well as under 'in abeyance'. English entries are printed in bold type and sometimes include a number of contexts which are printed in brackets, in italics. French equivalents are printed in ordinary Roman characters. The Lexicon usually gives only one French equivalent for each English entry; however, it also lists synonyms that are also found in the statutes. These are entered in alphabetical order. The gender of French nouns is shown as well as the feminine form, if irregular. Nouns denoting professions or occupations are listed in the masculine form with no indication of the gender where the feminine form is formed regularly.</p><p>GUIDE D'UTILISATIONLe lexique anglais-franais est class par ordre alphabtique. Les termes de plus d'un mot sont classs selon l'ordre alphabtique de chaque mot qu'ils comportent, les mots composs tant toutefois considrs comme des mots simples; ainsi, absolute transfer est plac avant absolutely et ice shelter est plac avant icebreaking . Pour faciliter la consultation, certains termes figurent plus d'une fois; ainsi, on trouvera in abeyance sa place alphabtique dans la nomenclature, mais aussi sous abeyance, in . Les entres anglaises sont imprimes en caractres gras. Certaines entres comportent un ou plusieurs contextes, composs en italiques et placs entre parenthses. Les quivalents franais sont imprims en caractres romains ordinaires. Le lexique propose souvent un seul quivalent franais pour chaque expression considre, mais il propose aussi frquemment des synonymes, prsents dans l'ordre alphabtique. Dans un but didactique, on indique galement le genre des noms et leur forme au fminin dans les cas de formation particulire. Nous n'avons toutefois indiqu qu'au masculin sans indiquer le genre les noms de fonction dont le fminin se forme rgulirement.</p><p>ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE LEXICON ABRVIATIONS EMPLOYES DANS LE LEXIQUE adjective et cetera feminine general masculine noun thing person adj etc f gen m n qqch qqn adjectif et cetera fminin gnral masculin nom quelque chose quelqu'un</p><p>2</p><p>ENGLISH-FRENCH LEXICON LEXIQUE ANGLAIS-FRANAIS</p><p>Aabandon, to (appeal, motion) abandonner, se dsister de; (claim) renoncer , se dsister de; (privilege on document) renoncer ; (rental unit) abandonner abandoned, to be (appeal, application, motion) tre abandonn, faire lobjet dun dsistement abandoned drinking-water system rseau m deau potable abandonn abandoned mine mine f abandonne abandoned motor vehicle vhicule m automobile abandonn abandoned orchard verger m abandonn abandoned pit puits m dextraction abandonn abandoned quarry carrire f abandonne abandoned regulated non-municipal drinking-water system rseau m deau potable non municipal rglement abandonn abandonment (appeal) abandon m, dsistement m; (person) abandon m; (property) abandon m, dlaissement m, renonciation f abate, to (bring to an end) mettre fin ; (end) tre soumis rduction, prendre fin, steindre abatement (action) extinction f; (rent) diminution f; (taxes) abattement m, rduction f abduction enlvement m abet, to encourager abeyance, in en suspens ability to conduct ones defence capacit f dassurer sa dfense ability to contribute towards the costs of legal aid services capacit f de contribution au paiement du cot des services daide juridique ability to pay capacit f de payer abode rsidence f Aboriginal and First Nations health council conseil m des services de sant aux Autochtones et aux Premires nations Aboriginal community collectivit f autochtone aboriginal healer gurisseur(euse) autochtone Aboriginal health issues questions f de sant autochtones</p><p>Aboriginal legal services corporation socit f autochtone de services juridiques aboriginal midwife sage-femme f autochtone aboriginal peoples cemetery cimetire m autochtone aboriginal right droit m ancestral Aboriginal workplace lieu m de travail autochtone abridge, to (time) abrger abridgment of time abrgement m de dlai absconding debtor dbiteur(trice) en fuite absconding payor payeur(euse) en fuite absconding respondent intim m en fuite absence of the public, in the huis clos absence or illness absence f ou maladie f absence or inability absence f ou empchement m absent (without) si ce ntait de absent without leave absent sans autorisation absentee absent m absolute assignment cession f absolue absolute contract contrat m pur et simple absolute discharge absolution f inconditionnelle absolute discretion discrtion f absolue, entire discrtion f absolute estate domaine m absolu absolute immunity immunit f absolue absolute interest intrt m absolu absolute liability responsabilit f absolue absolute liability offence infraction f entranant la responsabilit absolue absolute owner propritaire absolu absolute privilege immunit f absolue absolute property pleine proprit f, proprit f absolue absolute right droit m absolu absolute title titre m absolu absolute transfer transfert m absolu absolutely (conveyance) en pleine proprit, en proprit absolue absolutely entitled, to be (to an estate) possder un droit de proprit absolu sur</p><p>1</p><p>absolutely immune from, to be jouir dune immunit absolue lgard de abstract rsum m abstract index rpertoire m par lot abstract of instruments relev m dactes abstract of title relev m de titre abuse mauvais traitements m abuse of market power abus m du pouvoir sur le march abuse of power abus m de pouvoir abuse of process abus m de procdure, usage m abusif de la procdure abuse of the process of the court abus m de procdure, recours m abusif au tribunal abuse or possible abuse of market power abus m effectif ou ventuel du pouvoir sur le march abusive language paroles f injurieuses abut, to tre attenant abutting attenant abutting land bien-fonds m attenant, terrain m attenant abutting owner propritaire de bien-fonds attenant, propritaire de terrain attenant academic achievement rendement m scolaire Academic and Experience Requirements Committee (land surveyors) comit m de vrification des diplmes et de lexprience academic area matire f denseignement academic council conseil m des tudes academic health science centre centre m universitaire des sciences de la sant academic institution tablissement m denseignement academic policies politiques f relatives aux tudes academic pursuits enseignement m, fins f denseignement academic qualifications titres m academic requirements committee (architects) comit m de vrification des diplmes academic staff (university) corps m professoral academic staff bargaining unit (college of applied arts and technology) unit f de ngociation du corps enseignant academic standard (prerequisite) tudes f pralables accelerated payment paiement m anticip accelerated rent loyer m exigible par anticipation acceleration (of an expectant interest) prise f de possession anticipe acceleration clause clause f de dchance du terme</p><p>acceptable for registration recevable lenregistrement acceptance acceptation f acceptance of offer acceptation f de loffre acceptance of service acceptation f de la signification acceptance of title (property law) acceptation f du titre accepted actuarial practice normes f actuarielles reconnues accepted professional standards and practice normes f et pratiques f professionnelles reconnues access (gen) accs m; (to child in anothers custody) droit m de visite; (to document) permission f de consulter access order ordonnance f de visite access ramp rampe f daccs access road chemin m daccs access to justice accs m la justice access zone zone f daccs accessibility advisory committee comit m consultatif de laccessibilit Accessibility Advisory Council of Ontario Conseil m consultatif de laccessibilit pour lOntario Accessibility Directorate of Ontario Direction f gnrale de laccessibilit pour lOntario accessibility plan (people with a disability) plan m daccessibilit accessibility report rapport m sur laccessibilit accessibility standard (people with a disability) norme f daccessibilit Accessibility Standards Advisory Council Conseil m consultatif des normes daccessibilit accession (goods) accessoire m; (membershif) adhsion f accessory accessoire m accessory building btiment m accessoire, btiment m annexe accident accident m accident and sickness insurance assurance f contre les accidents et la maladie accident benefits advisory committee comit m consultatif sur les indemnits daccident accident fund caisse f des accidents accident insurance assurance f contre les accidents accident or sickness insurance benefits indemnit f en cas daccident ou de maladie accident record antcdents m en matire daccidents accidental damage dommage m accidentel accidental death insurance assurance f en cas de dcs accidentel2</p><p>accidental death plan rgime m dassurance en cas de dcs accidentel accidental fire incendie m fortuit accidental injury blessure f accidentelle accidental slip lapsus m acclamation dclaration f dlection sans concurrent acclamation, by sans concurrent accommodate, to (a workplace) adapter; (different uses) permettre accommodation (lodging) hbergement m, logement m; (office space and equipment) locaux m et matriel m; (workplace) adaptation f du milieu de travail accompanying driver conducteur(trice) accompagnateur account (administration of estates) compte m; (description of subject) compte rendu m, expos m; (finance) compte m, relev m de compte; (for health services) note f dhonoraires account authorization autorisation f de compte account for, to rendre compte de, tenir compte de account of ones tax payable, on au titre de son impt payable account payable compte m crditeur, compte m fournisseur account receivable (amount due to a creditor) crance f (payable ); (item in balance sheet) compte m client, compte m dbiteur account statement relev m de compte accountability (as related to age of majority) capacit f civile; (gen) obligation f de rendre compte, obligation f de rendre des comptes, responsabilisation f, responsabilit f (devant) accountability agreement entente f de responsabilisation, entente f dimputabilit accountability relationships rapports m de responsabilisation accountable, to hold responsabiliser accountable advance avance f justifier accountable manner, in an voir financially responsible and accountable manner, to act in a accountable to, to be tre redevable , tre responsable devant, rendre compte accountant comptable Accountant of the Ontario Court (now Accountant of the Superior Court of Justice) comptable de la Cour de lOntario Accountant of the Superior Court of Justice (formerly Accountant of the Ontario Court) comptable de la Cour suprieure de justice</p><p>accounting (document) compte m rendu comptable, relev m; (gen) comptabilit f; (succession, trust) reddition f de comptes accounting for (money, etc) comptabilisation f accounting policy convention f comptable accounting practice mthode f comptable accounting principle principe m comptable accounting record registre m comptable accounting system systme m comptable, systme m de comptabilit accounts payable crditeurs m accreditation agreement entente f dagrment accreditation audit vrification f de lagrment accreditation committee comit m dagrment accredited accrdit, agr accredited body organisme m agr accredited employer bargaining agency organisme m ngociateur patronal accrdit accredited employers organization association f patronale accrdite accredited farm organization organisme m agricole agr accredited investor investisseur m agr accredited operating authority organisme m dexploitation agr accretion (fund) accroissement m; (property) valeur f daccroissement accrual (basis of accounting) (mthode f de la) comptabilit f dexercice; (dividends, rates) accumulation f accrue, to (benefits) tre acquis, profiter , retirer; (dividends, rates) saccumuler; (interest) courir, saccrotre, saccumuler; (premium) choir; (principal of a debenture, taxes) tre exigible; (rights) tre acquis, revenir accrued dividends dividendes m accumuls accrued interest intrts m accumuls, intrts m courus accrued liability charge f payer accrued pension benefits prestations f de retraite accumules accruing vacation pay indemnits f de vacances accumules accumulated investment income revenu m de placements accumul accumulated net earnings bnfices m nets accumuls accumulated net retail equity avoir m net cumulatif du rseau de dtail accumulated net surplus excdent m net accumul</p><p>3</p><p>accumulation (finance) capitalisation f; (gas or petroleum) gisement m accumulation fund fonds m de capitalisation accuracy exactitude f accurate extract extrait m conforme accused accus, prvenu accustomed standard of living niveau m de vie habituel achieve compliance with, to se conformer acknowledge, to (in affidavit) reconnatre acknowledgment of application for registration (pension plan) accus m de rception dune demande denregistrement acknowledgment of indebtedness reconnaissance f de dette acknowledgment of liability reconnaissance f de responsabilit acknowledgment of receipt card carte f daccus de rception acknowledgment of service accus m de rception de signification acknowledgment of title (property law) reconnaissance f du titre acquiescence acquiescement m acquire, to acqurir acquire by purchase, to acqurir par achat acquired right droit m acquis acquisition acquisition f acquisition by purchase acquisition f par achat acquisition cost cot m dacquisition acquittal acquittement m acquittance quittance f acreage superficie f acreage report rapport m de superficie acronym acronyme m act (of parties) acte m Act (of Legislature) loi f act by majority vote, to agir la majorit des voix act honestly and in good faith, to agir avec intgrit et de bonne foi act in concert, to agir de concert act in person, to agir en son propre nom act in the best interests of, to (solicitor) agir au mieux des intrts de act in the proceeding, to (solicitor) occuper dans linstance4</p><p>act of vandalism acte m de vandalisme act on, to (by-law) appliquer act on behalf of, to agir au nom de, agir pour le compte de act on o...</p>