Ms Excel 2007 Formula Tutorial Pdf

Congratulations, you have completed the Excel 2007 tutorial.

/web/images/pdf/ms_o_exc.pdf - School of Medicine, University. ICT II - Excel Tutorial Page 4 Microsoft Excel 2007 Tutorial – Lesson 1 The Microsoft Excel 2007 Program Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (or Excel) is the spreadsheet program in Microsoft Office 2007. A spreadsheet is a grid of rows and columns in which you enter text, numbers, and the results of calculations. Introduction to MS Excel 2007 6 2009 Centre for Educational Technology, University of Cape Town If you double-click on an existing Excel file from inside the Windows Explorer window, then Excel will open and display the selected file on your screen. Closing Excel Close Excel by clicking the X on the far right of the title bar.

Tutorial Summary


Excel 2007 Formula Help

Excel 2007 is a version of Excel developed by Microsoft that runs on the Windows platform. This Excel 2007 tutorial covered the basic concepts of spreadsheets such as:

  • Cells
  • Rows
  • Columns

And then expanded on the more advanced Excel topics such as:

  • Sheets
  • Hyperlinks
  • Ranges

Each version of Excel can 'look and feel' completely different from another. As such, we recommend that you try one of our other Excel tutorials to become familiar with the Excel version that you will be using.

Other Excel Tutorials

Now that you know the basics of Excel 2007, learn more.

Try one of our other Excel tutorials:

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