Disable Driver Signature Enforcement Windows 10 Permanently Turn

I have purchased two licenses of Windows 10 Pro x64. Everything works fine, except for one disturbing elements. I have an unsigned driver to a program that I use every day, so I have to boot in the 'Disable Driver Signature Enforcement' mode every time, for the program to work. 2 Easy Ways to disable Driver Signature Enforcement on Windows 10 (i) Disable Driver Signature Enforcement using command prompt Windows have a “Test mode” that allows you install unsigned drivers. 64-bit versions of Windows 10 and 8 include a “driver signature enforcement” feature. They’ll only load drivers that have been signed by Microsoft. To install less-than-official drivers, old unsigned drivers, or drivers you’re developing yourself, you’ll need to disable driver signature enforcement.

Driver Signature Enforcement Override…


Permanently Disable Digital Driver Sign…

How to disable driver signature enforcement

Disable Driver Signature Enforcement Forever

Is this possible any more?
I have a Modem and I am trying to get it to work.
It DOES work when I use Advanced Startup - I select 'Disable driver signature enforcement' and the Modem works fine.
However, when I reboot normally again, it doesn't work and says I need a signed driver.
I cannot seem to disable driver signing once and for all.
I have tried an elevated command prompt with these commands:
bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON
It boots into test mode but still does not accept the driver.
Any ideas?